Chapter Twenty-Five

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Three weeks passed. Everyone fell into a routine. It was the end of August and the heat raged on. Everyone spent the day fanning themselves with books and mumbling miserably about how hot it was. People were on-edge and irritable.

Jessica had her baby. She had him on July 25th at approximately 4:13 in the afternoon. It was both beautiful and awful at the same time.

People desperately tried to sanitize the bathroom once the contractions started and they laid out sheets on the floor. There was a lot of yelling and a lot of blood.

Tara fainted. She tried to help as much as she could, determined to give assistance. She walked out of the bathroom, pale and shaky, and nearly face planted on the floor had Mr. Ventris and I not caught her.

"Take her into the common room. We've got it under control here." He had said. I had nodded, knowing full well that with Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Hain there, Jessica was in good hands.

I scooped Tara's legs up with my right arm, my left supporting her back, and carried her into the main room, her head limply falling against my chest. I laid her on the couch in the corner and sat at the other end of it.

Once the birth was over, people brought pillows into the bathroom so Jessica could make a bed and not have to move. The girls were told to use the bathroom on the upper floors.

Mrs. Hain brought the baby out to where I was sitting with Tara.

"This is Collin Farrell. Would you like to hold him?" I hesitated. "Jessica insisted that you do. Tara as well." I slowly nodded.

"Alright. Yeah, please." I held my arms out and she placed him in them, smiling.

"Is she alright?" She asked, glancing at Tara. I looked over as well.

"She'll be okay. Can't handle blood." I answered. She had a piece of hair draped over her face and I held Collin in one arm while reaching over and brushing it away. I looked back to Mrs. Hain and she smiled.

"I'm going back to the bathroom. Keep him here away from the commotion for a few minutes." I nodded and she left.

Tara came to about three minutes later. I was bouncing Collin in my arms.

"What happened?" She looked at Collin. Her eyes widened. "How long was I out?"

"About half an hour." I whispered. "This is Collin."

She sat up slowly and peered at him, inching closer to me. Our arms touched as she leaned towards him. She smiled.

"He's beautiful."

"Do you want to hold him?"

"Oh, no. I'm afraid I'd break him." I shook my head.

"C'mon." She slowly extended her arms and I placed him gently into them. She relaxed and I slung my left arm onto the back of the couch behind her. She subconsciously settled into my side and I tried not to let the fond-overload of Tara and a baby affect me.

"Lucas' middle name was Collin." She whispered, a small smile on her face.

"It's a strong name." She nodded.


We both looked down at the baby, fast asleep in Tara's arms.

"Ah, yes! The Styles family!" We both looked up to see Scarlett beaming. I glanced at Tara and saw her roll her eyes. "Kidding! I've come to retrieve the package. His mother would like to see him." Tara nodded, handing her Collin. Scarlett walked out of the room.

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