Chapter Thirty-Six

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The next morning, I woke up next to Tara and smiled as her light breaths hit my face. I resisted the urge to pull her closer, instead getting up and going to eat breakfast.

"Well, look who's awake!"

I rolled my eyes as Scarlett's remark, grabbing a granola bar and sitting down at the table.

"Good morning." I mumbled as I took a bite.

"You slept awfully late." She observed. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my watch, seeing it was 9:30AM.

"Wow, didn't realize."

"Why so-. Oh, I see." She said, cutting herself off midsentence with a cackle. I looked at her confused as I felt the bench shift beside me. I turned to look at Tara and widened my eyes.

"Oh, shit." I mumbled.

Tara turned at my remark.

"What?" She asked, looking between my bug eyes and Scarlett cackling.

I quickly stripped off the sweatshirt I was wearing. Scarlett put her head down on the table, tears running down her face from laughing so hard.

"What's going on?" Tara asked again, getting impatient. I shoved the sweatshirt over her head and she let out a little shriek. "Harry!"

"Put this on and then go to the bathroom and look in the mirror." I whispered quickly.

She quickly put her arms through the sleeves and looked at me like I had four heads, but she got up and walked out of the room regardless. I narrowed my eyes at Scarlett who was still in hysterics, her face turning red. Tara returned 20 seconds later with an equally red face. She slapped me on the upper arm and I flinched.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked as she sat down. She shot me a look.

"You know what that was for." She said, pulling down the collar of the oversized sweatshirt and shooting me daggers. There were approximately four small bruises littering her collarbone and neck. I knew there were another two on the other side as well.

"Now I know why you slept so late." Scarlett cooed after composing herself. Tara was still shooting daggers at me, a small pout on her lips that was meant to be threatening but came off more adorable. I smirked.

"You can't place all of the blame entirely on me, Tara." I said with a chuckle. The initial shock of the situation was over so I was able to find it funny now.

She continued to scowl. I quickly glanced around the room before leaning over and quickly pecking her lips. She spluttered when I pulled away and hit me again.

"Harry! Stop that!"

"No one's around."

"Scarlett's around!"

"I didn't mind." Scarlett said with a wink. Tara groaned and let her head hit the table.


Mr. Andrews walked into the room and smiled when he saw us. I saw Tara nonchalantly pull the collar of the sweatshirt closer as he walked over. She nudged me under the table when she saw my smirk.

"Morning, kids. Harry, that trip I was telling you about? I was thinking we'd head over in two days. Are you up for it now?"

"What trip?" Tara asked from beside me before I could answer. I glanced at her quickly.

"Don't worry about it." I told her. I turned my attention back to Mr. Andrews. Now that Tara was alright, I suppose there really wasn't a reason I couldn't go. I didn't like the idea of leaving her here though, even though I knew she would be fine. "Um, I think-."

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