Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up the next morning to a room that I wasn't used to. I looked around for the stacks and only found a room full of bunk beds. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, looking at my watch to find that it was 9AM. Right about now I'd be strolling into the common room to make breakfast and sit at a table across from Scarlett and Deanna. Instead, I lay in a room of sleeping boys.

"You up, Harry?" I looked to see Niall staring at me.


"Who's this girl?" He held up the camera he was looking at and I chuckled.

"Looking at the camera this early, Niall?" He nodded.

"You were gone for over a month. I'd like to learn a bit more about the company you had."

I crawled down the ladder and sat on his bunk.

"This is Scarlett." I said while pointing at the screen. "You two would get along great. You've both got a trucker mouth."

"Cool. I call dibs." I laughed.

"You already called dibs on Tara." He shook his head.

"That's all you, mate." I shook my head and clicked the button to the next photo.

"That's Noah. He's a dick and he hates my guts."

"Making enemies, Haz?" I nodded and laughed.

"Of course, Niall."

We continued to scroll through the pictures as I explained who each person was and the boys slowly joined one by one as they woke up.

I couldn't ignore the increase in my heart rate or the drop of my stomach whenever Tara's face looked back at me on the screen.


That night, we ate dinner while sitting on crates and I sighed when I was left with carrots on my plate.

"Anyone want these?" The boys shook their heads and I groaned.

"Never seen someone so bummed out over carrots, Harry. I'll eat them if you want." Liam said. I shook my head.

"No, it's alright."

"Can we play a card game?" Niall asked, changing the subject.

"How about Bullshit?" I asked, thinking about whether tonight was game night or not back in the library. Everyone shrugged and nodded. I looked into the corner to see Al sitting by himself. "Do you want to play, Al?"

He looked up in shock and the boys heads snapped to me in surprise. They must not have interacted with him much in the last few weeks.

"Um, I think I'll sit out this round. But thank you, Harry. I appreciate the invite." He offered me a tight and awkward smile and I nodded in response. I turned back to the boys.

"Alright, who's dealing?"


I climbed out of the bunker and shut the door behind me. I hadn't slept at all last night as I was on edge about leaving again. The sun was already in the sky and it was nearing 10:00AM. I know I should have left earlier but it was hard leaving the boys. Containers would be out on rounds by now.

I jogged down the hill and across the street, taking in my surroundings and surprised it was so silent. I heard a ringing in my ears and realized I couldn't hear anything. I continued running, now aware of how dangerous my loss of hearing could be in this situation. I wouldn't be able to hear an approaching attack but constant movement made me harder to catch.

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