Chapter Thirty-Four

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I woke up the next day around 7:15. Tara's face was still tucked into my neck, the breaths she released from her nose sending shiver down my spine. I decided to lay there for a few peaceful minutes, the sound of her breathing relaxing me. Tara began stirring, not quite waking up. I realized she'd need water when she did, so I rolled myself away and onto the floor, grabbing the empty glass from last night and heading into the kitchen.

I jumped when I heard a voice behind me as I filled up the cup.

"Did you sleep out here again?" I turned to see Deanna. I nodded.

"Yeah, spent the night on the couch." I smoothly lied.

"Got it." She said, walking closer to me and leaning against the counter. "You're a really nice guy." She said, making it sound like an observation. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"You think?" I asked, shutting off the sink. She nodded.

"Yeah." We stares at each other for a few seconds. "I could use one of the those." I blinked at her and she smirked before exiting the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar from the table on her way out.

I took a few seconds to compose myself before reentering the common room. I didn't have the energy to figure out what she meant.

I sat down next to Tara's mattress and read my book, occasionally glancing over at her to see if she had woken up.

Mr. Andrews walked in half an hour and smiled at me.

"Sleep well?" I nodded. He frowned slightly. "You're looking thin, Harry." I shrugged.

"Don't want to take up too much food."

He shook his head.

"Don't worry about that. I'm getting a group together to make a trip to the other side of the city for a day or two. We'll raid the bunkers over there and see what we can grab." He paused. "Can I count you in?" I opened my mouth to answer, my eyes quickly darting to Tara. He noticed. "No need to answer now. Let's give it a few days." I nodded and smiled.


He looked at me for a few seconds, briefly looking at Tara as well. He began to say something, but stopped himself. We met each other's eyes and he winked, walking towards the stacks.

I opened my book up and hadn't even read two pages before I felt a hand on my wrist. I placed the book down on my lap and looked over at Tara. She was awake and already looking at me.

"Morning, sunshine. How're you feeling?" I slid my wrist out from her grasp, grabbing her hand instead and interlocking our fingers.

She cleared her throat, which turned into a hacking cough. I pushed the book off my lap and knelt beside her, helping her to sit up and lean against the wall behind her. I handed her the glass of water and watched as her hand shook while she tried to drink. I helped her, holding most of the glass. She made a noise of protest, not wanting my assistance.

"Let me help you. I'm your boyfriend; it's part of my job description."

Her shoulders sagged and I'm sure she rolled her eyes, although I couldn't see because they were squeezed shut. I took the glass away and she fondly smiled at me.

"Better." She said, her voice hoarse. "I'm feeling better."

"Look who's forming sentences!" I cooed cheekily. I might've seemed like I was joking, but I was genuinely glad. It was hard seeing her in such a weak state.

She smiled.

"Shut up." She croaked.

"Shut up." I said, mocking her hoarse voice. She let out an airy laugh as Mr. Andrews walked into the room. I stood up as he entered, brushing off the knees of my pants.

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