Chapter Thirty

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Tara walked into the main room the next morning and walked over to Mr. Andrews, starting a conversation with him. Scarlett noticed the bracelet immediately.

"What is that?" She whispered.

"What?" I asked, unsure of what she was talking about.

"There. On Tara's right wrist. What is that?" I turned to look even though I already knew.

"Looks like a bracelet."

"I know that, you asswipe. I meant where did she get it?" I stayed silent, looking down at my oatmeal. "No fucking way." I took a bite of the oats and looked up at her. "You?" I shrugged. "How did you-."

"Doesn't matter. I just did."

She opened her mouth to say more but Tara joined us at the table, sitting next to me and resting her arms on the table.

"Lemme see it." Scarlett said, making grabbing motions. Tara looked confused so I reached over, taking her right hand and thrusting it at Scar, making Tara lean out of her seat and over the table.

"Oh." Tara said, laughing. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"What do they all mean?" Scarlett asked, looking at the beads. Tara launched into the explanation, sneakily skipping over the H charm and making something up about the sun.

"Wow. That's very thoughtful. Where'd you get it?"

Tara looked back at me and smiled before settling back into her seat.

"Harry made it for me." I flashed her a smile.

"Kudos to Harry." Scarlett said. Tara looked down at her bracelet and Scarlett shot me a 'you better know what you're doing' look. I rolled my eyes and went back to my oatmeal.

"I love it, so that's all that matters." Tara said, reaching under the table and placing her hand on mine that was resting on my leg. The warmth of her hand on mine spread to my entire body. I looked over at her and she squeezed my hand, provoking a smile from me.

She removed her hand and continued talking to Scarlett, but the warmth still stayed.


Christmas Eve had felt like a normal day besides Emelie and Trevor constantly asking how Santa was going to find them when they weren't home.

"Santa's a very smart man. He's also got trackers on every good little boy and girl." Mrs. Wayde had skillfully improvised.

Jessica and Deanna had decorated a fake tree that was found in one of the library offices with tinsel and ornaments found in the decorations box. Mrs. Hain had been smart when she first got to the library a few months back and hid some of the children section's toys, unsure how long they would be down here. She would give them to the kids for Christmas.

Today was Christmas Day and I was once again nervous to give Tara her present. The adults had all decided not to do presents since we were low on supplies as it was, but I had already gotten Tara one and it would be a waste not to give it to her.

Tara had been acting strange the past few days and I wondered if it had anything to do with the bracelet. Feeling self conscious, I decided to give her her space, shifting my time to Scarlett and Jackson, who was beginning to open up more.

"What do you usually do for Christmas?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"The normal stuff."

"So descriptive."

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