Chapter Forty-One

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I found myself dreaming of home the past few nights. I'd have dreams of sleeping in my old childhood room on a trip to visit my mother. The lads would be there as well as my old childhood friends. I would feel happy, but empty at the same time. Something was missing. I wouldn't realize what it was until I'd wake up in the morning and see that I was in the warehouse. It was Tara.

Waking up was the hard part of each day. I'd be faced with the reality that I was still here.

Leila had been acting distance with good reason. She genuinely felt bad for the kiss and we agreed never to talk about it.

Days were passing slowly. I was outside shoveling after a snow storm. I looked off in the distance, not knowing where we were. I should've payed attention on the drive over here a month and a half ago.

"Don't even think about it." I looked over to see who was talking. It was the young guard. "Don't think about running. They'll get you."

I nodded and turned back to shoveling, taking notice of how he said 'they' and not 'we.'


He kept his eye on me for the remainder of the day and I tried to push the thoughts of him and Tara out of my mind.

He left in the evening as they were handing out bowls of gruel, throwing one last glance at me while walking out the door.


It happened quickly and in a blur. I was woken up in the middle of the night with a rough shake. I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of brown ones.

"Get up. Right now."

I sat up and looked around, seeing that everyone was sleeping. I turned to look at MaryAnn and Leila, both in a deep slumber. I looked back to the eyes and saw that it was the guard from earlier. I ripped his arm out of my grasp.

"Don't struggle. Come with me."

He grabbed me forcefully and pulled me to my feet.

"Don't fight me."

His voice was clear of any accent, making me wonder where he was from.

He threw open the door and looked around, not seeing any guards. They were all in a trailer around the wall of the warehouse, in the heat. I groaned as he continued to push me. I pulled against him, trying to drag my feet into the ground.

"Stop it." He growled.

"Let me go!" I growled back. He didn't say anything.

He dragged me around the opposite wall, pushing me away from him once we were out of sight.

"What're you going to do to me, huh?" I asked. "Gonna hit me? Gonna kill me? Do it." I said, shoving him. He said nothing. "SAY SOMETHING!" I yelled.

"Harry." It was a quiet voice, barely a whisper; a whimper. I turned and felt my knees nearly give out.

She was hidden in the shadow being casted by the moon's light on the warehouse roof, but I could see her. I could recognize her silhouette anywhere. Her hair was down and wild, but at this moment I don't think she'd ever looked more beautiful.

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