Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I was shoved to move forward as I tried to break free once last time. I had told Tara that we would be fine and had promised that nothing would happen to her. I had vowed to myself to never let her feel pain again and here I stood, watching her being dragged away from me.

"Please! Stop!" I begged. But the men didn't understand and even if they did, they wouldn't.

I was dragged down the street to a jeep. I couldn't remember the last time I had been in a car or in any form of transportation. I was pushed into the back and the door slammed, automatically locking. I punched the window in an attempt to break it, but to no avail.

The men got in the front of the car and began speaking to each other, a conversation I couldn't follow.

"How long?" I asked once the car began moving.

"Long." One replied.

I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my head against the window. I was exhausted and aching. I wasn't sure if the ache in my chest was a result of the bruise or the aspect of never seeing Tara again.


I gasped as I was woken up by falling out of the car. The men had opened the door that I had drifted off leaning against. I had probably passed out for roughly half an hour. I stood up quickly in an attempt to run, but was beaten by the men who grabbed me once again.

They pushed me forward, making me walk. I looked at the building in front of me. We were on the outskirts of the city at what looked to be a warehouse. A man stood out front and when we walked up to him, he looked me up and down.

"Ah, a celebrity!" He said with a laugh. I couldn't pick up on where his accent was from, but it didn't sound Russian. His English also wasn't too bad. "Hello, Mr. Harry Styles. One Direction! My daughters are quite the fans of you." He looked to the other two men. "Take good care of him." They nodded and I began to wonder if maybe they did speak English.

He moved aside, pulling open the large metal door. I was shoved in and heard the door slam behind me. I turned to the room and saw over 100 pairs of eyes staring at me. I froze but was pushed forward. I tripped and fell.

The man behind me grunted and I stood up, walking towards everyone.

"Sit." He growled. I nodded and walked over to the group, sitting next to a blonde woman. The man turned around, striking up a conversation with another guard. I noticed the young guard who always appeared standing in the corner. It was unsettling.


I turned and saw it was a girl.

"Hi." I said back.

"You're confused. And bleeding."

"What?" I asked. She reached out and touched my forehead. I winced. She withdrew her hand and I saw blood on her fingers. She reached to her other side, holding a napkin.

"Apply pressure with this." I did as she said.


"No problem." She said. She looked to be my age. She had a kind smile and tired eyes, a brunette with pin straight hair. She looked to be of Pacific origin. She looked extremely thin, as did most people here.

"Can you explain what this is?"

She nodded.

"A typical hostage situation. We sit here all day. Sometimes they make some of us work and clean." She lowered her voice. "They're killing us slowly, asking for ransoms. The military aren't doing anything. Sometimes these men come in and they looks to be the runners of the operation. They take girls my age and-. Well, you know." I shuddered and grew angry, thinking of the way Maxim looked at Tara.

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