Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It started snowing, so naturally everyone started freaking out.

"What will we do for heat? How will we get heat?" Jessica asked as soon as she saw the snow on the ground. She had every right to be concerned as she now had Collin to look over. The baby hadn't been difficult. He's just about ready to start eating solid food, so that may prove to be difficult. The diaper situation wasn't too horrible either as many of the bunkers in the city had been supplied with them.

"We'll tackle that hill when we get to it. Right now, we'll hand out some extra blankets for when it gets cold at night." Mrs. Wayde replied.

"Do you think it'll get really cold down here?" Ella asked me, sitting on my left.

"I'm not sure. I'm sure it won't be anything that we can't handle, so I wouldn't worry about it." I answered. She nodded.

"You know what? If someone had told me that I'd be casually sitting on a couch with Harry Styles in the basement of the New York Public Library eight months ago, I would've laughed in their face." She said, laughing. I chuckled.

"Funny how life works, huh?"

"You're not even Harry Styles to me. I mean, obviously you are, but I don't think of you like that. To me, you're just Harry." I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Ella."

Emelie walked up to us. Her birthday was the other day but she hadn't been happy about it.

"I'm nine now." She had said, pouting.

"What's wrong with nine?" I asked.

"It's boring. I'm not at double digits yet. I'm stuck in the singles."

"Nine is only boring if you make it boring."

"I'm making it boring."

Regardless, she had risen out of her slump, jumping to sit on the couch next to me.

"What's up, Em?" I asked. Emelie usually hung around Tara during the day, something that I think benefited her. I saw a gradual change in Emelie as she strived to be more like her older friend, her maturity growing. I asked Tara if she minded having a little shadow during the day and she shook her head, saying that it was like having her own personal sunshine.

"I'm bored." She answered. I frowned and looked around the room. "Where's T?"


"Tara." I corrected myself.

"Are you two going to kiss?" She asked, completely ignoring my previous question.

I choked on air. Ella scream-laughed.

"What?" I asked, my voice high.

"Are you guys going to kiss soon?"

"Emelie, what on earth would make you ask that?" I asked. Ella continued to laugh beside me, clutching her stomach.

"Scarlett told me to ask you." I looked across the room, shooting daggers at Scarlett who was doubled over laughing.

"Tell her that it's not very likely." Emelie shrugged.


I looked around the room, still not seeing everyone but Tara.

"Emelie, where's Tara?"

"She's still sleeping." I looked at the clock. It was nearly 6:30PM.

"Still sleeping?" She nodded.

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