Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next morning, I was greeted with Tara's face very close to mine. It didn't alarm me. Our bodies weren't touching; our hands had dropped in the middle of the night. However, we both lay on our sides, facing each other. She let out steady breaths through her nose, a serene expression on her face. I watched her sleep for a few minutes, not feeling at all awkward or creepy about it. She looked so at ease.

I took a deep breath and checked my watch, seeing that it was a little past 8:30. I slowly pushed myself up and climbed off the bed, careful not to wake Tara. She stirred slightly and I paused, waiting for her to settle again before I got up and walked out of the room.

Scarlett was waiting for me at the table when I entered the common room.

"Morning." I said.

"G'morning. Go make your shitty oats and then come sit with me."

I looked around the room, making sure Emily and Trevor weren't present, before flipping her off. She pretended to act severely offended before breaking into a smile.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and pouring some oats in while heating up water in the small tin kettle on the stove.

"Welcome back." I turned around towards the voice, seeing it was Deanna.

"Hey. Thanks." I offered her a smile and then turned back to the kettle.

"What's it like out there?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Bad. Horrifying." I exhaled. "I saw another shooting line."



"Well, I'm glad you're back."

"Me, too."

I began mixing the water in the bowl, watching the lumpy oatmeal begin to form.

"She wasn't doing well when you were gone." I jumped slightly, thinking she had left. I turned to look at her.

"Who?" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't play stupid. It's not very becoming." I sighed,

"I've been told. It's not like I wanted that to happen."

"Even I felt bad for her, Harry." I slammed my spoon down.

"Making me feel even guiltier about it won't change it so what're you trying to do? I feel horrible that I made her feel that way. We talked about it and we're okay now, alright?" I was breathing heavy through my nose. Deanna looked unaffected by my outburst.

"Are you done?" She asked. I groaned.

"I'm sorry. I just feel so guilty and I don't like thinking about what it did to her."

"Then let's just stop talking about it."

"You brought it up!"

"Brought what up?" She challenged. I squinted my eyes at her and smirked.

"Never mind."

She shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. I grabbed my bowl and followed suit, sitting at the table with Scarlett and Lisa while Deanna went to sit with Jessica and Ella.

"Hey, Harry." Lisa greeted.

"Hey, Lis. What've you been up to?"

"Is that a trick question? There's not a heck of a lot to do down here." I shrugged.

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