Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Container count has doubled in the city. We aren't sure how many survivors are still here. Every shower trip becomes more dangerous. My chest becomes heavy every time Tara walks out the door and I seem to hold my breath until I see her walk back in.

We've started taking more trips to find more food. While we still have a decent amount, we worry about winter. Ms. Adalyn thinks the war will be over before Christmas. Nobody else does.

Jackson and I have become very good friends. I seem to be the only one he talks to. Tara is happy but jealous at the same time.

"I just don't get how he talks to you. I've been trying for way longer."

"It's a guy thing."

"Testosterone is overrated."

I found out that Tara has an epi-pen. She keeps it in a drawer by her bed, away from her inhaler on the cart.

"Why didn't you tell me you had an epi-pen? You said you only had an inhaler." Part of me was mad at her for keeping the information from me.

She shrugged.

"I don't like needles so I just use the inhaler."

I rolled my eyes and stuffed it in my pocket, putting it by my bed later.

Scarlett and I listened to the radio a lot. I was waiting to see if the boys had figured out a way to contact me. I wasn't sure what Scarlett was waiting for.

"I'm waiting for this to be over." She'd say.

The heat still wasn't breaking.

"We need fans," Mr. Sawyer would complain. "I'm going to die over here."

"We'll try and find some." Mr. Ventris promised.

Noah, Mr. Andrews and I walked all around the basement, looking in closets and rooms for fans and finding none. We tried the upper floors and managed to find eight in offices.

"Alright, we need to find a way to divide these amongst us. Lisa and Ella will share one on their half of the room, as will Scarlett and Deanna." Mr. Andrews began. "We'll put two in your room for you, Ms. Adalyn, and Joseph, Mr. Sawyer." I realized I never knew that Mr. Ventris' first name was Joseph. Alright, then we have Kelly and the kids in the children's room. We can put one in there. One with myself, Noah, and Jackson. Mrs. Wayde, Jessica, and the baby will get one. And then-." His eyes fell on me and Tara. He did the math in his head and sighed. "Okay, we might have to rearrange some things. I suppose that-."

"We'll be fine." Tara said, seeming unsure about why it was such a big deal.

"But there's only one and you two sleep in separate areas on the other side of the basement." He said.

"Yeah but we just-." She cut herself off. Her lips parted slightly and her eyes flashed to mine.

We had still been sharing a bed together frequently, even though it was growing warmer. I also found myself sometimes waking up in the morning with an arm slung lazily over waist or her head on my chest.

I quickly looked to Scarlett to see her staring at me, eyes squinted and confused.

"I actually don't get warm at night so I don't think I'll be needing it. Tara can use it." I lied. "That's what she meant." I avoided Tara's eyes, trying not to draw too much attention to us.

"Alright, then that's taken care of. Thanks for being a trooper, Harry." I nodded at Mr. Andrews and the crowd dispersed, taking their fans and walking towards their rooms. Noah shot me a look and I quickly looked away. Scarlett walked up next to me.

A Flash of RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora