Twenty Nine: Goddess of Fidelity

Start from the beginning

Forseti escaped his fathers side in a panic and runs across to his mother's arms where she scoops him up asking if he was alright. Sigyn bows her head. Everything is ruined. Everyone is confused, or shouting, screaming, or angry. Her wedding has turned to chaos. The magical day she dreamt of as a little girl - ruined.

"I do not regret my decision, father." Loki finally looked at Odin. This makes Sigyn look up again. "I truly love Sigyn and you might have to kill me for it. But I did what had to be done and I am sorry for not telling you sooner." Loki says this to Sigyn. He can see all the motions going through her eyes.

"Do you understand what you have done?" Odin spoke with a harshness in his voice. "This cannot be so easily reversed!" he shouted so loud the confusion and anger of the crowd quietened down in fear of what was going to happen next. Maybe this time Odin would banish Loki forever or worse. Sigyn see's Baldur fighting to keep back her relentless brother. She see's her father and mother shouting and screaming and all her sisters with shocked and worried faces.

This was his plan all along? To marry her secretly and defy everything? Was this really what The Norns had fated for them?

"I demand answers, All-Father!" Queen Freya shouted.

"You have broken our sacred oath to this marriage and the realms." cursed King Iwaldi. "This means war will ensue before I allow my daughter to stay married to Loki! You had this planned all along!"

Odin spins to Iwaldi in a mad fury, red cheeked, and his cape whips around into Queen Frigga. "I will not be spoken to like a...!"

Sigyn turns swiftly, her features contorted with anger. "No!" she shouted back. King Iwaldi and Freya are taken back. Odin's words fall silent and he looks back at the Princess, a curious brow raised. "Enough!" she screamed at her brother and Baldur. "All of you!"

Sigvard stopped trying to fight Baldur. Stuck in his arms he looked at his sister, mouth contorted with curses, nose wrinkled, brows pulled together and eyes hungry for blood. His perfect hair now a mess and his clothes bunched up. Baldur keeps his arms around Sigvard. Even he is shocked such a loud voice came from a little timid girl.

"No more war!" Sigyn shouted turning to the crowd for all to hear. "Am I not still the Princess of Vanaheim and Loki a Prince of Asgard? Is he sill not your prince?" she searches the faces of the people. Most nodded, others pursed their lips, some shrugged. "This is still my decision!" Sigyn says, loudly.

In that moment, Freya understood her visions. She saw the faces of those two young boys so clearly it was like she was looking at them right now - as clear as she was looking at Iwaldi. And everything finally made sense.

(This is what The Norns have fated.)

"All of you!" Sigyn turns, shouting. Her brother stops trying to kill Loki and her father stops shouting. "Enough of the bloodshed! Brother, enough."

Then Queen Freya remembered all the pain and suffering.


Sigvard violently ripped his arms out of Baldur enough to take a few steps towards them. Loki turned his body to Sigvard shielding Sigyn with an arm out to her. Sigvard stopped at this jabbing a sharp finger at Loki. "Vile evil snake!" he spat. "You had this planned all along. Is this what you wanted? For our realms to continue fighting? You have desecrated my sisters vows on her wedding day, are you not ashamed?" he flailed his arms gesturing to Asgard's people, whom are all witnesses. "Is this your prince, Asgard?"

Loki scoffed. "Then I confess in front of all of you! I proclaim my undying love for Princess Sigyn!" he shouted, proudly. This earned whispers from the people. "Yes, I had this planned. When do I not plan things? But in this union are our realms still not united?" he asked, looking at his father. "I love Sigyn so much so, I would die for her right now if you were to strike me down with Asgard as my witness!" Loki turned his gaze unto Sigyn. She had teary eyes and she was biting down on her lower lip to keep from crying. "I love you, Sigyn." he whispered to her. "With all that I am. I stay true to my vows."

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