Chapter 48

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"Please, put the gun down." I tell the last person that I'd ever think would do this to me calmly, as I slowly back away.

"No, why would I? So that you're little boyfriend could run loose and call the cops on me? It's 2018, I've seen all the movies darling." He cooed, pushing the barrel of the gun further into Harry's hair, and my baby gulped, probably scared for his life. I didn't break eye contact from Harry, and all you could see was fear coursing through his jade irises.

"Why, why are you doing this to me Justin? I thought we were cool?" I ask, actually breaking eye contact with Harry to look at Justin.

"Because, I wanted you to be mine from the start. I wanted to be the college sweetheart of yours, the one you got married with, the one you had beautiful babies with, the one who I would tell that I love you everyday, and I still believe that can happen. But you're so wound up around this British heartthrob that you've just completely forgot about my existence!" He raised his voice, and I flinched at his volume.

"Justin, I didn't know you-" I try to say but he cuts me off. "Bullshit, Em! You knew. We've kissed before, I-I asked you out, and you didn't even show up or hit me up!  And you're trying to say you didn't know? Wow, that's just wow." He sighs, then starts laughing out of nowhere.

He's fucking insane.

And where's Sam through all of this? She must've known his obsession over me.

"Hey, bestie." I hear from behind me, and Sam walks up and places the gun on my back.

"Sam, what're you doing?" I ask, turning around to face her with shocked eyes.

She laughed and then pointed her gun at Harry.

"You see that fine man over there, your boyfriend? Well, just as Justin has an obsession with you, I have an obsession with Harry. I've loved him and everything about him, just like you do. You know, I've actually been saving my virginity for this man ever since I saw him with his father at a charity ball when I was fifteen. And you, you've got the American Dream. Living in a big house, the perfect man, and how about that little snob of a boy that Harry calls his son? If me and Harry were to ever get together, the first thing that would be going out would be Luke, right into foster care." She scoffs, and Harry starts to ball his fists up.

"You bitch!" He yells, and all of a sudden the cold metal of the barrel hit his head and you could hear the thud of his body falling down to the ground, and I screamed and cried watching him.

Harry's POV

Fuck, my head hurts.

I try to reach my hand up to feel the sore at the top of my head and when I do, my hands jerk right back down. They tied me up to a chair.

And I'm sitting in my room, staring at the wall, and then I remember that Emery's out there with that crazy bitch Sam.I should've known something was up with her, the way she barely undressed me with her eyes every time we were near each other, the weird disappearing of my Cologne bottles after her visits to the house, it's just starting to make sense. I really hope she's not hurting my babygirl, the love of my life, the person. I envision all those things that Justin talked about with her as I put me in his place. She's the light of my world other than Like and Gemma, and I would die if anything ever happened to her.

Then I start to head the muffled voices of people in Emery's room that's next to mine, and I freeze and try to concentrate on what they're saying.

"I thought we were bestfriends Adam, why're you doing this to me?" I hear Emery ask, and her voice breaks my heart. It's as if she's swallowed shards of broken glass, and as if she screamed for millions of hours. I can tell she's been crying her eyes out.

"We are, it's just that you have something that's mine, and I can't let that go on for any longer." I could just hear the acidic tone in her voice as she talked, and I sighed.

I'm so glad that Luke isn't here to witness this.

Wait, Luke. And Gemma. They should be coming home in a few hours. I've got to get a hold of them.

I look over on my bed and see my phone imprint under the duvet and I sigh in relief that it was hidden.

But how I'm going to get over there, no clue.

Then I see that there are some scissors in the ground that are under my dresser. Thank God I don't pick up stuff after myself sometimes.

I strain against the ropes, and try to move my body weight so that I can fall to the ground. I successfully do so, and I did it carefully so that I wouldn't make a lot of noise.

I scooted towards the dresser, and tried my best to grab the scissors with the restraints on my arms.

I finally grab a hold of them, and start to fumble them to cut through the ropes and set myself free.

I stand up, stretching out my limbs.

I grab my phone and text Luke, then Gemma, and I text them both the same thing:

Get help. We're in trouble at home. Don't come here alone, but come here ASAP. Love you 


Emery's POV

"So, how long have you two been planning to do this, huh?" I ask, fidgeting with my hands. They locked the doors around me so that I couldn't get out, but didn't tie me up like they did Harry.

I wonder if he woke up yet, and I really hope he did.

And soon.

"Actually, we were thinking about doing while y'all were in Hawaii. Well, I did. Justin's been wanting to kidnap you ever since you got here." She nods towards him, and he shrugs.

"Wait, wait, you're kidnapping me?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"He is, not me. I'm taking Harry with me. Speaking of Harry, I need to go speak with him. I'll be right back, J keep an eye on her." She points at Justin, and he nods.


A/N::: ohhhhhvsjit. Hope you liked it.


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