Chapter 47

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"I'm leaving to go to practice, I'll be back soon." I tell Harry as he lays in bed, with a sheet covering his naked body.

We didn't have sex, he just sleeps in the nude.

"Okay baby, just be careful. I love you so much." He gets up and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in and kissing me on the lips hard but passionately.

I pull away and peck him on the lips, catching my breath.

"I love you, Harry. And talk to Luke."

"Good practice everyone. Now you can go home now and don't forget, first game is next week and we need to be on our A game. See you tomorrow, love you girls!" Coach yells, and we all say we love her too.

We walk into the locker rooms to change into our everyday clothes, and after everyone's finished getting dressed they leave and I lock up the locker room.

I walk out into the parking lot behind the building, and wrap my arms tighter into the jacket I'm wearing. It's so fucking cold out here.

But as I was walking to my car, I swear I heard footsteps behind me. But when I turned around to check, there was nobody there.

When I got to my car though, that was another story.

My fucking tires were slashed and and somebody keyed my exterior.

"Oh my god." Was all I could say, and I quickly called Harry.

He picked up on the second ring, thankfully.

"Hey babe, something's happened." I tell him, and I hear shuffling in the background.

"What's wrong love? What happened?"

"Someone slashed my tires and engraved my exterior of the car." I tell him and he inhales deeply.

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Get in the car and lock the doors until I'm there Okay?"


I hang up and quickly get in the car, locking the doors after I'm in and watching my surroundings.

Harry pulls up in the parking lot where I'm at and gets out of his car, running up to me as I get out of mine.

I jump into his arms and lay my head on his shoulder, breathing heavily and frantically.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He asks me, grabbing my face gently and examining it, then looking at my full body appearance to see if I was hurt.

"The only thing that's hurt right now if my car." I try to lighten the mood, scoffing a bit. I point to it and Harry checks it out, grimacing.

"Yikes, that's terrible. Wait, it's saying something. Look at it." He points to the words inscribed in my car.

"It says 'You should be mine, not his'. I really don't know who this is, because I don't recall someone having deep liking towards me." I tell him, and he shakes his head.

"Look, let's just go home and we can talk about this later. I'm sure you're pretty drained from this shit and practice, so let's cuddle and nap for a bit and we can discuss this later, alright?" He says and I nod.

We ended up leaving my car there for the police to check it out, and try to find out who it was. They said that they couldn't really figure it out, but would be on the lookout for more details and would be looking through the text messages that my mystery stalker sent me.

When we got home, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was take a bath and sleep.

"I'll run you some water, you just sit down for a bit."

"Thanks babe, you're the best." I say, kissing him on the cheek.

While he's upstairs, I get a text from an unknown number. I blocked the other one so it couldn't be the same person, right?

*** *** ****
I'm sorry about your car love, but I had to show you that I'm not ducking around with you. You belong with me, only me. But just know that I'm near🙂

I shake my head, texting Sam in the process of getting up from my seat.

Emery: OMFG his dude will not leave me alone. You know he scratched my car right?

Sam: No I didn't, wtf?!

Emery: yeah and he just texted me, saying that he was near.

Sam: Oh wow that's ducking I crazy. Be careful.

Emery: I'll try

Sam: Alright love you

Emery: Love you too

I walk upstairs to see Harry walking out of my room, looking at me with the color drained from his face and the look of absolute terror in his eyes.

"What's wrong? It's looks like you've seen a ghost."

Then he steps further out, slowly, and that's when I realize he's being held at gunpoint.

But the person that was doing it was who I least expected it to be.

"Hello, Em."

A/N::: I know, I know, it's hella short but I really needed to update. I've been so busy doing my other story that I kinda forgot about this one. My bad. But I hoped you liked it.


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