Chapter 3

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A/N:::Okay so I'm gonna try to update every day other than Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm gonna be very busy on those two days so expect 3 chapters a week. And I'll probably update on the weekends too 💖*

     "Okay well, I don't have any classes tomorrow so I'll  be there at 3 o'clock. Alrighty, buh-bye." I tell the woman on the phone who's name is Amanda.

I'm so happy that I can't contain myself. I called her today and she said that she along with Mr. Greenshaw will be at their house to meet me and they'll have the little boy there.

I call Sam to tell her about how I have my interview tomorrow and she seems excited for me. "Oh wow, was the woman on the phone his wife?" Hmmmm, I didn't think about that. "Um I dunno. She sounded like it though." The woman sounded like she was in her 30s and she had a very bright and hopeful tone in her voice.

She seemed as if they really need me, but honestly, I need them.

"Well Em, how do you wanna celebrate? Party?" Hmmmm, I do need to get out. "I didn't even get the job yet. This is an interview." I laugh along the line. She laughs along too. "You know that you've got the job. So let's go to a frat house or something because you need to socialize." I give in, "Alright, let me just go to the store right quick because I definitely didn't bring any party clothes." I tell her.

I really didn't. I just have skinny jeans and ripped jeans with like 4 pairs of thrasher hoodies and shirts and a few other blouse type shirts.

"Girl it's 2017, you look fine in the clothes you wear already." Sam assured me.

Oh yeah, but then I will kinda look like a skater dude and I don't wanna have that kinda reckless vibe as a first impression towards anyone so I'm just gonna go ahead and go to the store.

I'm trying to become a new person, high school was my four years of play and fooling around and not taking life seriously, but now I gotta add a little bit more seriousness. Seriousness...that's a weird word to me. Lol. I just said lol. I'm dead.

"Okay I'll be back to the dorms in like an hour so I'll see you later." I say to her as I hurry to get off the phone. She says bye and then I hang up, grab my keys, and lock the door and walk out of the dormitory. I'm so glad I brought my car and got it registered. That saves me from riding that little bus thing around town.

I stop by Rue 21 and buy a couple of T-shirts and a black and this hot T-shirt dress. It fits loose on me and that's just what I want so that I can wear it with fishnet leggings and an oversized olive jacket that I already own. Now, I know I said I don't wanna give that reckless vibe, but come on, this looks good.

When I walk out of Rue 21, I'm suddenly hit right in my shoulder. Ouch.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't..." he looked at me longer and then his face reddened. "Emery? I'm so sorry." It's Jackson. Why is he acting so frantic about running into me? It isn't like he ripped off my shoulder blade or something.

"It's cool Jackson, you don't have to get all worried and stuff." I assure with a smirk.

He looks down at his feet and starts to kick them around.

"Well, um, did you get that job?" He still remembers. This dude can't be from 2017. "Uh, I've got an interview tomorrow for it, but I think I've got it." He looks up at me with the brightest smile and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Congrats!" He then pulls me closer to him and embraces me for what seems like 3 hours.

      After that awkward encounter with Jackson, I drove back onto campus and got dressed. Yes, this is hot. All I need is some eyeshadow and some mascara and probably some red lipstick. I decide to not straighten my hair and leave it curly and flowing. Sam sees me and wonders where the girl she met went.

"Hello, have you seen Emery? I could've sworn she was right here." She giggles and I bite my lip to stop from laughing because if I laugh too hard, my eyes will start tearing up and I will have messed up makeup. Don't want that.

     Sam decides to drive in her own car since she knows that I won't be there long. I have an interview tomorrow so I don't want to go into their house with a hangover and attitude because of my actions tonight.

We arrive at the large frat house and I see lights, flags, coolers, dozens of girls, and hot dudes littered all over the property. When we walk inside, it is jammed pack.

We go get a cup of something that smells strong and sip it, instantly recognizing it for vodka. "Dang, that burns bad." I tell her.

She laughs and then snorts. Is she already drunk? No way! "Burn, let it burnnnnn!" Oh wow, she's drunk after just one hit.

I leave her to herself and her friends and walk over to the sectional couch that was lined with frat boys and 2 girls.

As I walked across, one guy grabbed my wrist gently and turned me to face him. "Hey, have I ever seen you around here before?" He asked me politely.

He had dirty blonde hair, barely blonde anymore, and mesmerizing hazel eyes. The dark room with neon lights going everywhere made his face glow along with his slight tanned skin.

"I don't think so. It's my first year." I reply to him.

He smiles a big smile. "Then come sit with us, get to know a few people. By the way, my name is Cameron." He stuck his hand out to shake mine and then guided me to the couch cushion next to him. I sat down quickly and he started to smile again.

"So, what's your name hottie?" My cheeks blush bright red and he smirks devilishly. "Um, Emery. My name's Emery." He hands me a cup of a pink liquid that kind of looks like lemonade.

"Babygirl it's hard lemonade, we're not drinking as hard as everyone else because we have jobs to go to tomorrow." I look up at him and smile greatly.

"Same. Thanks for the drink." I gulp it down and he leans in by my ear. "No problem toffee."

Somehow I'm used to this nickname. Everyone calls me it because of my light toffee-like complexion. I find it quite humorous and nice to be called that.

    When it hits 11:56, I know that it's my cue to leave. I begin to get up and Jonah grabs on my wrist. "Where you going, you're not staying all night?" He looks sad and pouty like a puppy. I almost want to stay because of how sad he looks. "Yeah, I got an interview tomorrow and I don't want to give the wrong impression, you know?" I tell him and he nods understandingly.

He finally sighs and takes his phone out in a rush. "Here, let's exchange numbers. You seem like a nice person to hang out with." His smirk returns and I feel a tingle go down my spine.
"Sure dude."

After we exchange phone numbers, he walks me outside to my car and as soon as I reach my Nissan Maxima, I realized that I didn't see if Sam was still here.

"Hold up, I gotta go see if my friend is gone..." he then stops me and says, "You talking about Sam? She's left like 30 minutes ago. She told me to tell you she would be going to one of her other friend's dorm tonight." Well, she could've at least told me.

"Ok, then I'll text you later." He nodded with a wink and walked back inside.

When I got back my dorm, I was so tired that I didn't even want to shower at the moment. I'll just shower in the morning. I go ahead and set my alarm for 8:30 and fall into a deep sleep.

Man, what a great night.

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