"I'm chillin. I'm just saying. Anyways, are you asking if they can come over?"

"I kinda already suggested that they should. I mean, I feel bad. But if you don't feel comfortable then I understand."


"I told you not to get mad."

"No one's mad Tremaine. Bring them over. I'm sure Kiara would be happy."

"Aye, look at you being nice." I joked.

"I'm always nice." she argued. I wish she could see the face I just made.

"Riiight... anyways, I'll see you at home." We hung up and I approached Janay. "Kelly's okay with it."

"Okay, thank you... You know y'all really don't have to do this."

"It's no problem. Naomi seems like she wants a home cooked meal, so we can help."

She nodded and she proceeded to tell her daughter their new plans, and I told Kiara. We left out the school and were on our way home. I don't know how this whole thing is gonna go but I'm hoping for the best.


God must be with me a little extra today, cause for some reason I didn't mind that Janay was coming over. Even though her appearance last time sparked an argument between me and Trey, I feel like some people should get a second chance.

I heard the front door open and Trey called out my name.

"I'm in the kitchen." I replied. They all walked in and I smiled as my Kiki walked up to me.

"Surprise mommy." she giggled.

"Ain't no surprise, baby. I knew they were coming." I replied and said hi to Janay and Naomi.

Trey gave me a kiss and looked into the pots and pans on the stove. "Damn baby, you finished everything already?"

"Yes, nosey." I chuckled. "Can't keep the guests waiting."

"Thanks for inviting us." Janay said. You would think she would be talking to me, but she's over there staring at Trey. Girl...

"You're welcome." I said quickly, flashing her a fake smile.

Trey sensed the tension and spoke up. "So ummm yeah, y'all can sit down. I'll serve the food."

We all sat down and Trey set up the food on the table.

"Wow Kelly, this all looks amazing." Janay said as she made a plate of food for herself and Naomi.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"It's nice that Trey has someone to cook when he doesn't feel like it. Trey, you do still cook right?"

"Of course." he replied.

"Daddy, you used to cook for her?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, we used to be friends." he said slowly.

"What made you stop being friends?" she continued. I had to laugh. Kiara always knows how to ask the right questions.

"I moved away, but moved back here so I could put Naomi in a really good school." Janay chimed in.

Kiara smiled, "Well I'm happy you came back or else I would never meet Naomi. Mommy, can I show Naomi our new dog?"

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ