Twenty-Six: Die In Paradise

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Sigyn moves forward. Her dress scrapping over the bark, dirt, and leaves. She takes the front of her dress and hikes her way up the stairs. Her heels click perfectly against the marble floors.Their echo emanating off the walls and wide open space of the foyer decorated with pillars of flowers.

The maidens had rushed into actions at this time. Each set running after their respected princess. Five maidens in particular running after Queen Freya. Two warriors are stationed at each entrance; one Vanir and the other Asgardian. In respect to this marriage.

Grazing platters are offered to the Princesses's and a tray of bubbles. Freya scoops a glass chalice from the tray and she turns to her daughters raising a toast. The tray is walked around to each of them. "To a new beginning." Queen Freya smiled. Nanna takes a glass and so do the twins. "To a start of something fresh and wonderful. And to my beautiful daughter on the eve of her wedding." The tray is held out to Sigyn with a single glass remaining.

Sigyn reaches out for it.

Queen Frigga also holds out her cup. "I am so happy in this moment of time." she speaks with a soft voice. "Two great realms finally joined as one."


The Princesse's shout back in unison raising their glasses to stepping over the threshold. Sigyn's maiden's help her to get the glass under her veil so she can take a sip before giving it back. She preferred sweet wine this way.

"Forget not, girls, we have traditions to follow." explained Freya, giving her glass back to the maiden. "Strict rules we must adhere by that not even us of royal blood are above. I'm sure the Asgardian Prince's are doing the same."

Frigga laughed. "Oh, I'm sure they are."

"I can imagine them drowning in mead and partying." Hnoss laughed. "Getting up to all sorts of mischief."

At that word, Loki plagues Sigyn's mind and she is glad there is a veil to hide behind.

"Well, the men do have different traditions." replied Gersemi.

"Does not mean we cannot indulge ourselves."

"What was the eve of your wedding like, mother?" asked Hnoss.

Queen Freya smiled to herself. "The happiest night of my life." she says, looking to Sigyn. "And I only want the same for you." She glides towards her. The marble seemed to give her that affect. Queen Freya gestured to Sigyn's maidens behind her and then motioned a hand to Sigyn.

They came forward and from each end they took the veil and lifted it over Sigyn's head and settled it on her shoulders. "Lower your head." Queen Freya demanded. And Sigyn bows her head. Her mother reaches around her head and her fingers intertwine with her hair. She gives a tug of of the braids in Sigyn's hair and from them she pulls a silver circlet.

"To represent the end of your maiden status." Freya turned with the circlet carefully in both palms of her hand to her maiden with a wooden box waiting. "And to be put away and passed on to your daughters." she gently places the circle into the box where it perfectly sits in the depression of the mould. The maiden bows her head gently closing the lid and locking the latch. "You are a woman now."

Sigyn's sisters clap and laugh in delight as do all their maidens in celebration. They congratulate her in this small feat of triumph trying to quickly usher her into the next room to present her with all their gifts.

"I cannot wait to get rid of my circlet." Hnoss gestured, to her head.

Gersemi gives her a look. "Technically we don't need it." she shrugged, inclining her head. "But as Princesses we must wear it to appease Father and the council and to signify our maiden status."

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