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Hello my dear readers! This story has gotten farther than I had ever hoped it would! Thank you so much for 9k reads so far! So I am not very good at making covers for my stories so I am going to hold a contest. The contest does not have a closing date!

You must do these things to compete:

1) Promote this story on any social network!

2) Create a nice cover for the story with the title and author. (Stuck in Time, b_writing0510 or Brielle or B)

If you win, you get:

1) The cover you made displayed as the cover for this story.

2) A shout out from me on any one of my stories.

3) A chapter dedication.

4) If you like writing, I can help you if you are trying to write a story.




Stuck In Time - A One Direction FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now