Chapter 31

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LOL thought of Cat because well, she's my new fan ;D lol like seriously... anyways...


Chapter 31

(Jazz's POV)

"I hate you!" I playfully said to Cat. She is 6 months pregnant, and her tummy is only sticking out a little.

"Hey, you know, I really feel like eating Joe Cotton's," Cat told me.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"It used to be the best barbeque place in Texas, but it doesn't exist anymore," Cat looked a bit sad.

"Well, what happened to it?" I asked her.

"It burned down. It used to be my uncle's place. I used to love it so much. I took the boys there when I first met them. I'm sure they remember the deliciousness," she giggled at the thought of it.

"Well, there's a pretty good barbeque place nearby. We can go if you want," I suggested. Cat nodded happily. She must really love her barbeque. Cat didn't just visit New York. She and Harry want to move here, too. That's why she was in New York with me two months ago. They finally found an our apartment complex! They live a floor below us. She's actually become friends with Marlowe, too. We got the whole family together. Niall, Liam K, Harry, Rebecca, and Hallie.

We walked to the barbeque place, because the weather was really nice. After all, it's September. It's only a bit breezy. When we finally got there, they got us a table, and we sat down to eat ribs. They were so good, and I was so full.

"Not half as good as Joe Cotton's, but still really great!" Cat commented after we had finished eating. Harry agreed with her, and they just kept whispering sweet things in each other's ears.

"So, Hallie, you have a boyfriend yet?" I asked her.

"Actually, I do," she giggled.

"Hold on, how come you never asked me?" Niall asked her.

"I don't have to, Niall! I'm eighteen; I can make decisions all by myself," Hallie replied with a laugh. We all laughed, and Niall just pouted.

"Well, you should've at least told me!" he retaliated. Hallie stuck her tongue out at him. She's so full of life, it's so cute.

"Aww, young love!" I giggled. She blushed, but giggled at the same time. We paid, and left the restaraunt. Liam K was asleep, and I didn't want him to wake up from the noise of the New York streets, so we took a cab back.

"Hey, Jazz, can I ask you something?" Cat asked me on the way back.

"Of course," I replied.

"I'm really scared to give birth. What do I do?" she asked me.

"I'm going to be completely honest. Nothing can prepare you for when you give birth, but once that child is born, you're going to be the happiest woman in the world," I told her. She smiled. It was obvious that she was nervous. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"So, should I get the epidural or not?" she asked me.

"Definitely get the epidural. It was the worst to give birth naturally," I laughed a little. She let out a nervous chuckle. Poor Cat. She's scared now, but when she's all done, and her child is in her arms, she's going to realize that it was all worth it.


I would be nervous, too! I'm already scared to give birth, and I'm not even pregnant! LOL but knee hurts enough right now...



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