Chapter 11

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HEY DERE LOVELIES!!! So, um, I just wanted to tell a little story about how I went to Subway today. So, I was at Subway with my two friends, and they both got 6-inches and I got a footlong. I finished mine before them, and they couldn't even finish theirs. I felt like a fattie. K. I'm done. Enjoy chappie 11!!


Chapter 11

(Jazz's POV)

I woke up to a faint sound coming from my kitchen. I shot up, and hid under the covers. I heard cupboards slamming, and knew I had to investigate. I got into my WC, grabbed a baseball bat, and went over to the door. I saw a man with a dark hoodie standing in my kitchen, rummaging through my things. I saw him eating food. I tilted my head.

"Niall?" I asked. The man dropped a jar of cookies and turned around. I was right.

"Jazzy, I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you!" he apologized, mouth full of cookies.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I've been eating a lot, and the boys won't let me get room service from the hotel," he shrugged.

"Well, Niall, you're always welcome here, but you nearly gave me a heart attack," I laughed. I heard the doorbell ring, and Niall went over to open it. He looked down. I heard yipping. My puppy!

"What is this puppy doing here?" Niall asked me. I rolled over to take him in. The puppy was attached to a leash, and there were a few plastic bags with him. I looked into his adorable eyes, and I melted.

"Niall, this is my new puppy," I said, picking him up, and showing him to Niall. Niall closed the door, and smiled.

"Cute," was all he could say.

"Well, now I have to name him. What should his name be?" I asked.

"Lucky," Niall replied, smiling at me. His perfect teeth were making my heart beat fast. He was absolutely perfect, even when it was early morning.

"Like you," I replied. I felt my cheeks warm up as Niall laugh.

"I know," Niall kept laughing. I still felt embarrassed. "How about you get dressed, and we can take him on a walk?"

"Sounds good!" I replied. I rolled back into my bedroom, and shut the door. I was looking at clothes to wear. I put on my green jumper, black leggings, and green vans. I went as fast as I could, even though it's hard to put pants on when you can't move your legs. I rolled back to Niall, and grabbed Lucky's leash and a couple of bags.

"Where are we going?" Niall asked me as we got into the elevator. I clicked the ground floor button.

"Central Park," I replied with a smile. Niall seemed excited. He had probably never been there before. We got out of the elevator, and made our way to the front door.

"How about I push your wheelchair, and you walk the dog?" Niall asked me, grabbing onto the handles of my WC.

"More like roll," I laughed. Niall cracked up, and we couldn't help but laugh together as we made our way through the busy streets of New York City. We had to stop and sign a couple of autographs along the way, but all in all, we were pretty much not disturbed.

"MAKE WAY FOR THE PRINCESS OF NEW YORK!" Niall yelled. People sent us dirty looks, but others laughed along, sending me waves. I waved back like a princess. Niall honestly made me laugh too hard. We had finally made it to Central Park, and Niall was already exhausted.

"This is why you don't stuff your face every day!" I laughed as Niall stopped to catch his breath.

"Hey! Don't act like you don't do the same!" Niall pointed at me. I raised my hands in surrender. It was true. I am quite the food lover.

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