Chapter 17

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Hey loves! It's B again! I'm drinking kombucha! It smells terrible, but it tastes pretty darn good! Lol my dad really likes making kombucha for some weird reason...but you should try it sometime! It tastes like soda, even though it's supposed to be super good for you! Recommendation: if you're going to give some to a friend, never EVER show them how to make it. They will get grossed out. Like really. It's not like it's bad, I mean, it's pretty much the same way they make beer and wine and stuff, but when you watch it happen, it looks so gross. Just saying. Hope I didn't make you not want to drink it! Lol! Anyways, sorry for the mini infomercial, so please enjoy(:


Chapter 17

(Niall's POV)

"I just don't want you to leave me again," Jazz was crying into my chest. It's the night before I have to leave to go back to England to start our tour. First, we're going to the UK, then to the rest of Europe, then Russia, Asia, Australia, Central America, and finally the United States. New York will be our last stop.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll come visit sometime," I comforted her, but clearly it wasn't working, because she was still crying.

"I'll miss you so much," Jazz kept crying and crying. And there was nothing that I could do about it. I was leaving her behind. And it was wrong and totally rude of management to rip Jazz away from me for eight months. EIGHT MONTHS. That is too long to be away from the person you love. "I'll be so lonely with just me and Lucky."

"You know what, Cat, Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor are going to be alone for eight entire months as well. Maybe you all should spend some time together," I suggested.

"I think you're right. Maybe I need to go back to England for a little while," Jazz was sniffling away the rest of her tears.

"We would gladly let you guys stay in our London flat for eight months," I rubbed her back. Her crying ceased slowly.

"Thank you so much," Jazz wiped her tears away, and gave me a passionate kiss, and a hug. Her hugs were perfect.

"It's okay. I'll call them right now," I sighed, unhappy to release her from my arms so I could make a call to Liam.




"Hey, Niall! Ready for tomorrow?"

"Of course! I'm just a little upset about leaving Jazz."

"I know, I feel the same about Danielle."

"You know, I was thinking, maybe it would be best if they all stayed together."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, all the girlfriends in one house, you know what I mean?"

"That's a great idea! Where are they all going to live, though? For eight months?"

"I was thinking your guys' London flat."

"Perfect! I'll tell the boys, and we'll give all the girls calls to let them know!"

"Great! See you tomorrow!"


I hung up on Liam, and gave Jazz the news.

"That means I get to fly to England with you!" Jazz said excitedly. That's right! I hadn't thought about that!

"So, you better get packing!" I teased, pushing her wheelchair into our room as she giggled. We packed until about 2 o' clock in the morning, and we were both exhausted, so we flopped onto the bed, and cuddled in the cold.

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