Chapter 20

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Hey people! SHINE BRIGHT LIKE MY COMPUTER SCREEN. lol sorry. I actually really hate that song. But it just seemed appropriate, because I'm sitting in a dark room with a really bright computer screen. But, anyways, this is Chappie 20.


Chapter 20

(Niall's POV)

I walked across the stage while singing my solo in, "Over Again" as the crowd sang along. I felt a rush as they screamed my name. It was a beautiful feeling. And I'm one of the lucky few who get to have it happen to them. We finished off the song, and waved goodbye to the screaming fans. We ran backstage, and I quickly flopped down on the couch in the green room.

"Anybody else dead of exhaustion?" Louis asked. Everyone nodded.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S SNOWING!" Liam yelled. We looked out of a small window to see that he was right. It was snowing! I felt my phone vibrate, and I pulled it out to see that there was a weather alert, and that it was extremely icy outside.

"Guys, we should probably leave soon before it gets too slippery outside," I told them. They agreed, and we got our mics taken, and we walked outside. Immediately, the cold air hit me, and I felt like I was in Antarctica. I began to run to the limo, but all of the sudden, my legs fell out from under me, and I fell to the ground. A terrible pain ran through my right arm, and I screamed out in pain. Paul ran to me in concern.

"Niall, are you okay?" he asked me. I groaned in response. The pain was excessive. He picked me up, and carried me to the car. The boys came in after me, and Paul quickly pulled out.

"I don't think his arm is supposed to bend that way," Harry whispered to Zayn. I didn't want to look at my arm. I knew I would be grossed out. Especially if it's bent the wrong way. I probably broke it. Soon, the car stopped, and Paul pulled me out and into a hospital.

"Excuse me, this boy broke his arm. Is there a doctor he can see?" Paul asked. I was grasping my arm in pain, and a nurse began walking towards us.

"Da questa parte," she beckoned us to follow her, and we did. "Parli inglese?"

"English. Yes," Paul replied in the elevator.

"Me metterò il Medico Jailo," the nurse replied, and walked out of the elevator. We followed her, and she put us in an emergency room. "Aspetta qui. Mi metterò al medico."

We stayed put, and waited. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but wiped it away before anyone could see. Soon, the nurse brought us into a room, and a doctor walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Horan, is it? So what seems to have happened?" the man spoke perfect English. He didn't even look Italian. He sounded American, actually.

"I believe he broke his arm," Paul spoke for me. I was in too much pain.

"Alright, it does seem as though it is. I'm going to have to do an X-Ray to make sure. Is that okay? I believe we have a room open," the doctor explained. Paul looked at me for an answer, and I nodded. Soon, they were walking me over to a dark room. I had to put my arm on a cold table, while they had the bright machine whirring overhead. Very quickly, it was over, and they examined the image on a computer screen. There was a clean break in between my wrist and my elbow.

"Next we're just going to set your arm, and then we'll put a cast on it, okay? Would you like a specific color?" Doctor Jailo asked me. I didn't have to speak. Because, of course, Harry decided to be the funny guy.

"Green for the Irishman!" he proclaimed. I laughed a little. It was getting harder and harder not to focus on the pain. The doctor laughed, and got out a green mold. He moved my arm into the correct position, which was even more pain, but soon after, the mold was placed fittingly over my arm. It was comfortable, but there was still pain shooting through my arm.

"There you go. I'll send a perscription down to our pharmacy for pain pills. It'll have specific instructions. You're going to have to see a doctor every three weeks, and you'll get the cast off in six. How long are you going to be in Italy?" the doctor rambled on.

"Just for these next couple of days. In three weeks, we'll be in Germany, and in another three, we'll be in India," Paul told him. The doctor nodded.

"If you give me the specific cities, I can contact doctors in those countries to check on him," the doctor recommended. Paul explained everything to him, while Zayn handed me my iPhone.

"You wanna call Jazz? Let her know what happened," Zayn said softly. I nodded, and grabbed my phone, silently thanking him.



"Hey, Niall, what's up?"

"Hey, babe. I just wanted to let you know that I'm in the hospital...again."


"It's alright, I'm fine. I just broke my arm, and I had to see a doctor."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay, good. I don't want you in pain."

"I'm okay. I just thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks. Hey, listen, I got to go shopping with Nya. We're going to another afterparty tonight."

"Who's Nya?'

"My tour manager."

"Oh, cool! Alright, well I should get going, too. It's getting a bit late."

"Yeah. Okay, bye, Niall. I love you."

"I love you, too."


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated lately. I kind of got my laptop and iPod taken away, and it's been a disaster and stressful because they're my babies, but it's all good now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, by the way! Oh, and I'm going to upload the first chapter to my new fanfiction, "She's Not Afraid" very soon(: And I'm beginning a book, but it won't be uploaded chapter by chapter, so you should be expecting it towards the end of summer at the latest. Okay, thanks, babes!



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