Chapter 36

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Hey! I'm back with updates :) So, I just did a lot of work on that poster, and my fingers are driving me crazy! They're pretty sore, and right after I had finished, my dad made me practice piano -_- Sorry, dad, but that's a little harsh. Anyways, please enjoy :)


Chapter 36

(Jazz's POV)

I held my fragile son in my arms, singing him a little song to calm him down. He was crying.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away," I sang smoothly into his ear. With every word, Liam K's cries subsided. I gave him one last hug, and tucked him into bed.

"Am I going back to the clinic tomorrow, mummy?" he asked me right before I left. I had already stood up, and was almost out of his bedroom when he spoke.

"Yeah, sweetie. But they're only going to do a couple of tests, and then you can come back home," I smiled at him, and blew a kiss, but he spoke again.

"Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" he asked. I smiled, and pulled him out of bed to carry him to my room. Niall looked up from a book he was reading when I walked in.

"Hey, you're not allowed to sleep here!" Niall whined, a big smile on his face.

"Yes, I am! Mummy said I could!" Liam K said proudly, his arms hooked around my neck.

"Did you really give him permission, honey?" Niall asked me, winking.

"Of course I did!" I giggled. I plopped Liam K down on the bed, and tickled him a little only to hear him laugh. I turned off the lights, and lay next to Liam K, who was next to Niall.

"Mummy?" Liam K whispered. I looked to him, signifying that I was waiting for him to ask a question.

"Do you love me?" he asked. I put my fingers to his smooth face, and smiled.

"I love you to the moon and back," I gave him a kiss on the head, and told him to sleep. After he had finally fallen asleep, I turned to Niall, who was also awake.

"Do you want to take him to the clinic tomorrow, or do you want me to do it? It can only be one of us, because somebody has to go get groceries," I spoke, and Niall turned his head to face me.

"I'll take Liam K tomorrow. He likes it best when I'm there when he gets the tests done," Niall whispered. I nodded.

"Then, I'll take Vivian with me to go shopping," I shrugged. Niall nodded, and turned back over to go to sleep.

"Goodnight, Jazzy."


(Niall's POV)

"Okay, Liam, they're going to do a test," I said soothingly to Liam K as he sat in a seat, ready to get his blood drawn.

"Okay. Can you hold my hand, Daddy? I don't like the needle," Liam K requested. I gladly held his hand, and he smiled at me in thanks. Liam's favorite nurse came up with the needle.

"Okay, Li, you know the drill," she said softly, ruffling his hair. Liam K turned away when she put the needle in his arm. As soon as she began, it was over, and Liam K and I were walking out; a brand new band-aid on his arm. He liked to see how many different ones he could get. So, everytime he got a new band-aid, he wrote down the design that it had.

"Daddy! This one has the red Power Ranger on it! Can you write it down for me?" Liam K said excitedly. I gladly pulled out my iPhone, and typed it into a note we kept of all of the band-aids he had when there was no pencil and paper for him. It was an odd hobby, but it was a hobby. I decided to take Liam K out for some Japanese food, his favorite. When we got there, they greeted Liam K with smiles.

It seemed as though everyone that Liam K came in contact with was always smiling. They all loved his optimism and cheerful attitude towards life, despite the desperate circumstances he was in.

"Daddy? Can we go visit Uncle Liam?" he asked me. I nodded, and we drove to Liam's house. When we got there, Danielle answered the door with Sophia in her arms.

"Hey, Niall! Liam's here, if you want to come in," Danielle greeted cheerfully. We gladly walked in, and Liam K ran over to play with Emilia. Emilia was six, but they still got along well. Aria was three, and Sophia was barely a year old. Liam walked in, holding Aria's hand.

"Hey! Mate, you didn't show up for recording yesterday!" Liam greeted me, shaking my hand.

"Sorry, I was a bit caught up with taking Li to the clinic," I apologized.

"No, it's fine, I just wanted to know if you were okay," Liam chuckled. I pulled Liam into his kitchen, to have a private talk with him that I wanted to have with the band.

"Liam, I think I might want to quit the band," I sad sadly.

"Quit? Is it because you don't have time?" Liam asked me. He wasn't angry. He still had disbelief written all over his face, but he wasn't angry at all. That's why I told Liam everything.

"Yeah, kinda," I shrugged. Liam nodded.

"It's okay. If I was in the same position, I would definitely do the same. No doubt," he comforted me. I smiled at him.

"So you understand why?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Of course I do."


Okay, well this story is getting really depressing. Liam K has cancer and now Niall is quitting One Direction. Jeez. Sorry I'm being so harsh on you guys. It is what it is, I guess. Oh whale. Don't kill me, please.



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