Chapter 43

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Hey, babes! :-*

Song Quote of the Day:

Stranger than your sympathy

And this is my apology

I killed myself from the inside out

And all my fears have pushed you out


Chapter 43

(Niall's POV)

June is the craziest month of the year in the Horan family. It's Jazz's, Liam K's, and Vivian's birthday. All in the same month! I know! Liam K's is first. It's June 14. Jazz on June 28. Vivian on June 30. I can already hear my wallet crying. Well, today is the day of their party, and just about everyone we know is invited. Liam K's present first.

"Happy 8th Birthday, son!" I greet him, and sneak a kiss on his forehead. He gives me a sweet smile, and I hand him his present. He eagerly ripped open the package, and his face showed a ginormous smile.

"Thank you so much, daddy!" he gave me a big hug, and put the five books I had given him in his room. I gave him Billionaire Boy by David Walliams (yeah, I didn't know that he wrote children's books, either), Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz, The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis, and Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. I was proud of my book selection. Now onto Vivian's present. I gave her a kiss on her forehead, and gave her a little maraca set for her to play with. Perfect for a one-year-old.

"You have something for me, Niall?" Jazz joked. I smirked. If only she knew. I knelt down on one knee like the day I proposed on the pier. I pulled a small box out of my back pocket, and Jazz's hands went to cover her mouth. I opened the tiny box, and displayed a beautiful ring. I slipped in onto Jazz's finger, and decided to give a small speech.

"Seven years ago, I went on vacation with you. After slipping and falling on a pier, I proposed to you. Since that day, I have grown to love you even more since then, if that's even possible. You are still as beautiful as ever. I have never spent a second without loving your beauty and your personality. You are mine, Jazmine, forever. Nothing will ever tear us apart. Nothing. Our two children, Liam and Vivian, mean the world to me, because I know that they are just as perfect as you. So, this ring is for us. For us to be together forever. I love you, Jazz," I spoke to her. The room was silent, listening to us. They all began clapping, and I gave a small smile to them in thanks.

Jazz wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and kissed me full on the lips. I took a glimpse of the infinity ring I had given her. It had her two favorite colors on it in diamonds. Purple and yellow. On the back was her name; Jazmine Horan. A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman.


Sorry for the shortest chapter ever, but the next one will be the last chapter of Stuck In Time. Don't worry, I've already begun on the sequel, More Than Enough. :) I love you all, just saying.



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