Chapter 40

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Buenos dias, ninos! <-- that's supposed to have a tilde over the second n in ninos...

Song Quote of the Day:

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see

I'll be the light to guide you


Chapter 40

(Niall's POV)

After Jazz destroyed John and his pride at once, we let Hallie stay with us. It was great having her there, because she took good care of the kids. At the same time, she's very moody about being pregnant. She's looking for a flat for herself, and we're helping her look. She's not moving very close by, because she wants to avoid John.

We're at the clinic again for Liam K. He just finished up his blood test, and we are waiting for the doctor to bring back the results.

"Mr and Mrs Horan, can I speak with you please?" the doctor spoke to us, and Jazz left Liam K a kiss before we left. "I am very happy to say that the cancer is officially benign!"

It's about time! I gave Jazz a hug and a sloppy kiss in celebration. My son is healthy! In that moment, I said a quick prayer. I thanked God for granting me my son back. I'm more excited than the day he was born! Jazz had tears in her eyes of happiness, and we went back inside the room to tell Liam K.

"Liam, baby, you're not sick anymore," she told him in an excited tone. Liam K did a little victory dance, and rushed over to me. I gave him a big hug, holding his little body in my arms. Even though Liam K finally got better, we had just recently shaved his hair off. He still likes to draw himself with hair, though. I thought it was cute.

I'm excited for him! I mean, he's cancer free! We can send him back to school, and Jazz can finally record that album that she has been trying to get done! The only thing is, I don't have a job. I guess I'll have to get one. Well, that doesn't matter right now! It's a time of celebration and happiness! My little boy gets to live like a normal kid. Nothing in the world is going to destroy this moment. Even Vivian is smiling. Her beautiful blue eyes supposedly resemble my own, but in that moment, I think she looked like her own person.

She's going to be someone important. I can tell. So is Liam K. He's going to change the world with his mind. He'll be the next genius, and everyone will remember him. Like Albert Einstein. Except smarter. I can't wait until that day.


Sorry, this was a bit short, but how was it? :) Vote, Comment, Share!



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