Chapter 12

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Hey guys! So I'm extremely busy from now until March, which is most likely when I will end this fanfiction, but I'll possibly do a sequel who knows. I've got the plot for this one planned out in my head, so...yeah. Enjoy!!


Chapter 12

(Harry's POV)

I got back to the hotel, and just lay on the sofa. I was too tired to do anything else. Zayn walked in.

"That was fun! Don't you think, Harry?" he asked me.

"Yeah. But it was kind of awkward for Jazz to be there," I shrugged.

"Speaking of that, how have you been?" Zayn asked me. I tensed up.

"I've been getting over her," I admitted, "But it's been hard, because I really did love her."

"It's okay. She clearly wasn't the one for you, then if you two didn't stay together," Zayn tried to comfort me. He was right. Someday, I'm going to find a girl and she'll be the one I'm going to be marry. I just have to find her first.

"Speaking of that, we really need to find Niall a girlfriend," I laughed. Niall still hasn't had a girlfriend. He keeps saying he has to find his 'princess' but I don't know how long that's going to take.

"He'll find one on his own. Whoever she is, she must be pretty special."

(Jazz's POV)

"Ha! Checkmate!" I said proudly whilst crossing my arms.

"Oh, come on, this is the third time in a row!" Niall groaned.

"I know I'm bad at chess, but you're even worse!" I giggled. It was true, I had known how to play chess for a long time, but I never beat anyone. Niall was just that bad.

"Can we play something else?" he complained.

"Alright, what are your ideas?" I asked, putting away the chess set.

"How about we make some food," Niall laughed. My stomach growled. All of a sudden, it sounded like a really good idea.

"Okay, what do you want to make?" I asked him, rolling over to the kitchen.

" about foreign food?" Niall suggested.

"Well, I am part Peruvian, so I know how to make Peruvian chicken. My mum taught me," I thought back to when I made Peruvian chicken with my mum. I really do miss her.

"So, let's go get ingredients then!" Niall laughed, pushing my WC out the door. I laughed with him when we were in the elevator, and he kept getting anxious because he was so hungry.

We got to the lobby, and Niall and I quickly went outside, where the cold air hit us. We moved along to the nearest supermarket, and bought all the ingredients necessary for Peruvian chicken.

"How do you say Peruvian chicken in Spanish?" Niall asked me.

"Do I look like I know?!" I giggled. Yeah. I'm Peruvian and I don't know Spanish. It's quite sad.

"Maybe we should learn," Niall suggested.

"Not a bad idea," I shrugged, taking all the ingredients to the cashier. She was scanning my items, and Niall put two bars of chocolate on the conveyer belt at the last minute. He then took my hand. I felt all tingly inside when he did. He paid for everything even after I told him not to. He refused to not pay, so I just let him.

(Niall's POV)

"Hand me the dried oregano," Jazz commanded. I did as I was told. She sprinkled it onto the chicken she was marinating. She put the chicken on the stove grill, and she cooked it. 30 minutes later, my mouth was watering at the smell. "I think it's ready."

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