Chapter 28

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HAHA it is the day of updates!! Lol so tomorrow I'll be updating a lot, too! Please don't be too excited. Seriously, hold the applause. Seriously. Seriously, guys. SERIOUSLY. LOL jk idrk how many people read this, but it doesn't matter...ANYHOW!!


Chapter 28 

(Jazz's POV)

I am four months pregnant, and my belly is already getting pretty big! I didn't think it was supposed to happen this fast, but it has! I am just a bit scared, that's all. I mean, I've heard how painful giving birth is, and I have to say, just being pregnant is already painful. I'm not having morning sickness much anymore, thank God, but I've had the weirdest cravings lately. Just last night, I almost threw a fit, because I refused to eat anything except for shrimp. It was weird, I know. I've been so hormonal, too. I have extreme emotions.

If something's kind of upsetting, I start crying. If I am a bit angry, I sound like I'm furious. I've act like I'm constantly on my period. At least I don't have to be on my period anymore, though. That's just about the only upside about being pregnant.

"Come on, babe, you're appointment for your first ultrasound is today," Niall was coaxing me out of bed.

"Go away," I snapped. Niall helped me out of bed anyways. I feel so bad when I get so angry at Niall for no reason, but he tolerates everything. He is just the sweetest, most supportive husband I could ever have. I finally got out of bed, changed into a large sweater, and some sweatpants. I don't really fit into my old clothes, either. Not even my bra! It's really scary how big I'm growing.

We got into his car, drove to the doctor's office, and finally, went into the ultrasound room. They gave me a hospital gown to change into, that included a pair of pants. I lay down on a small bed, and the nurse asked me to lift my shirt over my belly. She put some kind of stuff on my belly, and hooked a machine up. I squeezed Niall's hand, and the nurse put this little thing on my stomach, and a woman doctor came in. She told me that she was my pregnancy doctor, and that her name was Doctor Karen.

I smiled, and then, the nurse spoke.

"There he is!" she giggled. We took a look at the image on the screen, and my heart melted. That was my little baby boy on the screen.

"It's a boy, Jazz," Niall repeated in my ear. I smiled at him, and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. Maybe our boy would have the same eyes.

"Would you like a picture?" the nurse asked. I nodded, and she got us a picture of the ultrasound. When she gave it to us, I felt so significant. Like I took part in something incredible. I changed back into my clothes, and left with a smile on my face, and a picture of my beautiful son.

'''''''''''''6 MONTHS PREGNANT''''''''''''''''

"Hey, babe, you want to go out to eat?" Niall asked me. I was sitting on the couch, my stomach sticking out like you wouldn't believe. The doctor told me that I've gained more weight than I should, and I know that it's because I've been eating so much. I have to be on a strict diet, otherwise, giving birth will be much more painful.

"No, I need a salad," I shrugged. Niall pulled a caesar salad out of the refrigerator, and handed it to me with a fork. I began eating, and it only took me two minutes before I was finished, and I was still hungry.

"You want anything else?" he asked me. I shook my head. I have to keep my weight down.

"Alright, fine. What do you want to do today, then? It's begun getting warmer," Niall said. I shrugged.

"See a movie?" I suggested, but it came out more as a question.Niall nodded, and helped me up so we could go to the cinema. But, during the movie, I fall asleep.

'''''''''''''''''8 MONTHS PREGNANT''''''''''''''''''''' 

I feel like I'm going to explode. My stomach is ginormous, and the rest of my body is paining like you wouldn't believe. It's pretty crazy. I feel like I can't walk anymore. Niall keeps trying to get me to get up, and I sometimes do, but it's hard. It's like walking around while carrying another person constantly. For the weirdest reason, he likes to move so that his arm or something digs into my ribs. It's the worst. He also likes kicking me. A lot.

He's very stubborn, too. I'll try to settle down, and he will not stop moving. I cannot wait until next month, when I will finally be done with this, and have my baby boy in my arms. Niall and I have not even discussed names. I still don't know what I want to do, so we're going to wait until the baby is actually born. Oh, God. He's digging his arm into my spine. I cried out in pain.

"Is the baby coming?!" Niall screamed. I shook my head, and let out a little laugh.

"I'm fine, he's just punching my back again," I groaned.

"He's going to stop, don't worry," Niall comforted me. As soon as Niall finished that last word, the baby moved his arm back.

"Do you want me to give you a back massage?" Niall asked me, his arms wrapped around me.

"Yes, please," I giggled, sitting up. Niall put his hands on my back, and started massaging all of the knots out from the stress I've had. Niall gives the best massages. I smiled when I felt a bit better after he finished. "Thanks, babe."

"No problem. After all, you are carrying our son around in your tummy for nine months," Niall chuckled. I laughed, too, and lay back down so I could relax. Next month will be better.


This is getting gooooooood! Lol I'm watching Bourne Identity :D ME GUSTA LOL



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