Chapter 42

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Hey loves! Who read my previous thanks? If you haven't, go read it! It's especially for you!

Song Quote of the Day:

I fly with the stars in the skies

I am no longer tryin' to survive

I believe that life is a prize

But to live doesn't mean you're alive


Chapter 42

(Liam K's POV)

"You should just leave, Bald Boy. Nobody likes you," Danny held me by my shirt collar. I was almost to tears. Why is he doing this?

"Hey!" I heard a little girl yell from behind Danny. He turned around, and I tried to see who it was. All I saw was a girl my age with long, brown curly hair down to her hips. She had green eyes, and a thin body. She was actually really pretty. "Leave Liam alone!"

"And you're going to stop me?" Danny growled at her. She didn't look frightened at all. Actually, she looked angry. She punched Danny right in the face! I just stood there with my mouth wide open. I didn't know that she was strong. Danny and his friends ran away, and I lay on the ground. The little girl gave me a hand up, and smiled. She seemed nice.

"Remember me? Don't worry, Danny won't be bullying you anymore," she smiled. Darcy? Is this the same Darcy from last year?

"Darcy, I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" I yelled, giving her a big hug. She giggled a little, and I let go. Two dimples showed on her cheeks from her smile. She looked exactly like Uncle Harry.

"It's okay, I only just recognized you two seconds ago," Darcy giggled a little. We left to go play soccer together. I hate soccer, but Darcy loves it, so I decided to play it just for her.


"So, have you made any friends at school?" Daddy asked, facing me with a huge grin on his face. I smiled back.

"Yes. Darcy Styles," I smiled. Daddy gave me a funny look, and then continued eating. I ate, too. I wasn't really that hungry, so I only ate a little. Mum gave me a new book to read, and I'm pretty excited. "Mum, can I be excused? I'm full."

Mum sighed, and grabbed my plate while giving me a swift kiss on the forehead. I ran to my room to begin reading.

(Darcy's POV)

"So, sweetie, did you do what I told you?" Daddy asked me. He had a serious look on his face. I suddenly tensed up. Uh oh.

"Well..." I trailed off into mumbles, as mum turned to me in shock.

"You fought again, didn't you?" she gave me a death glare. She does that a lot.

"Well, it was for good," I held my hands up in surrender.

"Okay, let me hear your excuse. I want to hear what you've come up with this time," daddy smirked. He can be mean sometimes.

"I was helping a kid, because he was being bullied," I jumped down from my chair, and put my plate with chicken crumbs on it in the sink.

"Who?" daddy asked me, still not believing the truth.

"Liam Horan," I said back, sitting on his lap.

"Really? I didn't know that Niall's boy was being bullied," mum came over and put a hand on daddy's shoulder.

"I don't think that Uncle Niall knows," I shrugged. They both nodded.

"I still don't want you fighting, malcriada," mum grabbed my shoulders. She always talks to me in Spanish. I know that malcriada  means that I've been a bad girl. I just rolled my eyes like I've seen her do so many times before. "Don't roll your eyes at me, pende--"

Mum didn't finish what she was saying. Maybe it was a bad word. Daddy laughed a little.

"Glad you caught yourself on that one, Cat," he kept laughing. Mum just crossed her arms over her chest, and raised an eyebrow at him. Uh oh. That's her I-want-to-kill-you-right-now look.

"You want to finish your laugh attack, or do you want me to help you?" she glared at him. Daddy quickly stopped laughing. Then, I started. Mum and Daddy are like this all the time, and it makes me laugh. They can be so funny sometimes. All I want to know is what she was going to say.


LOL! Who knows what Cat was going to say? ;D Vote, Comment, Share!



P.S. Erm, did I forget to mention that I'm doing a sequel? I didn't? Well, now you know :)

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