Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! Thank you for taking a chance on my story. This is the first story I have been working on. I like it and I hope you will too. It took a lot of nerve to post it on here, so please be nice. The story will have abuse scenes, and sex scenes throughout the book. Thanks for your time! Enjoy

"Congratulations Samantha! You got the job." The baritone voice of the bar owner announced. He was a short, gray haired, pot bellied man.

"Thank you Mr. Hale. You can just call me Sam." I replied shaking his hand. "When would you like me to start?"

"Well Sam, tonight if at all possible? I know it's short notice." he answered in a questioning way.

"That is completely fine." I smiled politely, a little nervous about my first shift tonight.

He handed me a couple of small looking tank tops. Red with the bar name across the chest. There are what I am to wear while working. Trying my hardest to hide my doubt and embarrassment of being able to fit into these shirts. I mean I;m a busty gal with hips, no runway model by far. I've got curves, carmel brown eyes, wavy dark brown hair that reaches just past my shoulders. I am not tall only 5'5", but not short either. I love my body and am not ashamed of it. Unable to resist I asked " These don't happen to come in a larger size do they?"

A deep belly laugh rolled out of Mr. Hale, "They will fit you just fine. Trust me, you will end up thanking me when the tips you get are huge."

I gave an unsure grin, "okay." I tried to get the word out. My mouth suddenly feeling dryer then a desert. "I'll see you tonight."

Nervous as all get go I turned and left the office. Heading for the front door so I could get home and ready for my first shift. I ran into a head of wildly thick blonde hair and boobs! Ones larger than my own.

Holy shit! I thought to myself. Is that what I will look like in these shirts? I could feel my face turning red.

"Oh my! Sorry. I really need to watch what I am doing." the blonde hair big boobed voice squeaked.

"No it's my fault. I'm just in a hurry to leave so I can get ready for my first shift tonight."

OH MY GOD! Are you the new girl? Hale baby has been talking about hiring this Samantha girl." she moved her head so much when she talked, she reminded me of those bobble head figures.

"Yes that's me. And please just call me Sam." I offered my hand.

She took my hand and gave a firm handshake.

"Well it's so great to meet you Sam. I'm Krissy. You and I will have so much fun together. See you tonight. We will definitely bring in the tips." her voice trailing down the hall as she hurried along the way.

As I went on my way laughing to myself, I thought of a nickname for Krissy. Triple B- bubbly blonde bobblehead. No.No..No...Quints B- bubbly big boob blonde bobblehead. Yes that is what I'll call her. She does seem like a lot of fun to work with tho.

Walking to my vehicle I texted my fiance Derek.

(Hey! I got the job at Drinks UP! I start tonight. So excited. Xo Sam)

My fiance Derek Taylor is tall, larger framed guy with sculpted tan arms from working at his father's construction company. Well not recently his construction company. His dirty blonde hair is always slicked back and gives him that clean cut, boy next door look. Square face with a distinguished jawline that also had that sunkissed tan, that makes him look powerful. Straight nose, thin slightly pale lips and light brown eyes like the color coffee turns when you add creamer. When he isn't working he is always in a dress shirt, sports coat and jeans. Seeming to command the attention of others with his overall look and a lower toned voice to suit. Men tend to want to be him and women want to be his girl. I have been his gal for close to three years now and our wedding is set for just little over a year from now. A destination wedding to Cancun, Mexico.

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