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"Can you drive a little bit faster?" She said irritably.

I rolled my eyes. "Be thankful that I'm driving, I just can't do that"

"You drive so slow Lisa!" Jennie complains over and over again. Yeah, that's right, I'm driving so slow right now. This is the only way to irritate the bitch.

We're on our way to a mall, wanna know why? Because she's going to buy shitty birthday gifts for Teng teng, she's so sweet right?

And now she's complaining that I'm slow yeah that's right! I want to make her mad, after what she did last night? She leave me hanging!

"I will fire you I swear!"

I chuckled. "As if you can do that."

She just facepalmed herself and try to calm down. Damn she looks cute.

We did go back to our usual self again. Ranting to each other as if nothing happened between us. I'm shocked because Jennie didn't react about what happened last night, how can she managed to act natural?

And until now Teng teng doesn't know about us. I mean about our relationship, though we're just pretending. Well I guess we just have to pretend for the eyes of her friends and family, we don't have to make the kissing as a joke.

As we arrived to the mall.

"Yah, this is so many. Are you sure these are all your gifts from him?" I secretly rolled my eyes. What the hell is this?

I'm holding a bunch of paper bags which she bought, all of these are male accessories and clothes. For sure she will give this to Teng teng, argh why did I even mentioned his name. It's making me feel stress.

"Yes, and oh we need to go there!" She pointed to a stuffed toy stall. "Boss are you serious?" I narrowed my eyes and just look at her happily walking towards the stall.

I saw her search for stufftoys, don't tell me she's going to buy one for Teng teng? Oh my God I hate him even more now.

I'm just following her until she finally found the one she likes, a monkey.

"Pffft, corny" I uttered.

But damn she heard it so she glared at me. "Don't call this corny!" She said and walks away. Maybe she's going to the counter.

Why does Teng teng so special to her?

I just erased the thought and go to her. She really bought the monkey stufftoy, I feel envious. We started to walk again and my eyes widened as she entered a comfort room. "Should I come with you?"

She didn't say anything so I just come with her. I dropped the paper bags on the floor, finally, I had a rest. And oh seems like we're the only two here.

"By the way this is for you." She handed me the monkey, my eyes widened.

"W-what?" Did my ears heard it right?

She rolled her eyes and stamp her foot. "I said that's for you, argh."

I smiled and get the monkey. What the hell? I find this corny at first but why do I feel liking it?

"What? You're not going to say anything?" She said irritably that makes her more cute. "You didn't like it? Damn give that back I'm just going to give that to Taehyung-"

Shit. "NO!" She tried to reach the monkey so I raised it up, to prevent her from getting it.

"Yah you're so tall! Give that back you don't even like it!" She screamed as she jumped to reach the monkey but to make fun, I raised it more.

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