[36] Touchy, Touchy

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"Oh shit I just got....." Jin set down the card on the table waiting for everyone to pick a card to play. They giggled as they sorted through their deck.

Soon they all set down their cards face down in front of Jin who would be reading them aloud to the whole group who sat in front of him.

"Oh shit I just got.....the heart of a child." Jin chuckled setting the card down looking up to see everyone chuckling shaking their heads at the obscene card.

"Poo shaped gummies.....I swear if this is Jimin I'm going to not be surprised." This time everyone was laughing so Jin put the card to the side signaling it to be the best one so far.

"Oh shit I just got.....your sad little naked body." This one was even better as Jin forcefully removed the last card placing this card on top laughing hysterically as well as everyone else.

"Oh shit I just got...anal beads....okay guys all your cards are good what the fuck and sexual in some way." Everyone laughed wiping tears from under their eyes as they witnessed the poor innocent Jin reading out all these cards.

As Jin was reading out the last of the cards Jimin was sitting next to Hobi having a great time. Jimin still was hung up about turning the older on so he snuck his hand on Hoseok's mid thigh. At first Hoseok didn't know anything was up until he looked down to see the good feeling he was having on his leg was coming from Jimin.

"Okay I think the winner had to be your sad little naked body." Jin shook his head holding up the card for someone to claim as their own.

"That ones mine." Taehyung raised his hand getting surprised looks from everyone because that was the last person they would expect to choose a card like that.

"Does Jungkook have a sad little naked body?" Jimin removed his hand from Hoseok looking over across Yoongi and Namjoon looking at Tae.

"No I don't." Jungkook hit his boyfriends shoulder but then soothingly rubbing the spot soon after afraid he hurt his boy.

"Ah well we would love to stay but you know we have our big meeting with a company tomorrow." Namjoon stood up stretching his arms above his head.

"Oh fuck I forgot about that." Yoongi stood up as well reaching in his pockets making sure he had his phone and shit with him.

"You finally might be going under a big company babe." Jin leaned over attaching himself to Namjoon's legs hugging him tight.

"Hobi Hyung Why didn't you tell me?" Jimin by this point leaned over arm resting in Hoseok's lap a pout playing at his lips.

"I'm sorry I forgot." He looked over to everyone standing up about to leave. He loved this touch Jimin was giving him even if he didn't mean it to be sexual he was feeling happy.

"It's okay you should go to bed then." Jimin smiled brushing a section of hair that was resting on his hyung's forehead before giving a small smile.

"You should as well you got work tomorrow." There voices were quiet so no one could here their seductive tones.

"At least it's Friday babe." Jimin winked patting Hoseok's leg before standing up leaving a cold breeze to hit Hoseok's body where Jimin was pressed against moments ago.

Jimin went over to hug his friends who were leaving. Hoseok remained seated as everyone left, he glanced at the second wine bottle which had more than half left in it. He tilted his head back letting the red liquid run down his throat letting out a huff when it was gone.

"Alright it's getting late." Jin looked down at his watch yawning after seeing it was already passed midnight.

"Goodnight Jinnie Hyung." Jimin waves as Jin disappearing into his room at the end of the hall.

"What the fuck do you think your doing." Jimin got nervous as he could tell the amount of alcohol he had consumed was just enough to get Hoseok tipsy.

"What do you mean Hyung?" Jimin asked shyly as he tried to look away picking up the two empty wine glasses off the table.

"Just stop with these little games. The touches, the rubs, the calling me babe it's enough." Hoseok stood up stopping the younger from entering the kitchen to throw the bottles away.

"H-Hobi I t-think you've had a lot to drink." Jimin tried sneaking past him when he was stopped again this time a hand was brought to his neck.

"Don't play anymore games do you understand me." Jimin was trembling how just a moment ago Hoseok was being really sweet then next thing he knew he was being chocked out.

"I-I Hoseok you're hurting me." He tried breathing out but it didn't work.

Hoseok took one of the bottles from Jimin throwing it against the wall because apparently when he's drunk he likes to smash things. With the second bottle he smashed it against the wall behind him making sure to keep some of the glass in his hand.

With all the loud noises Jin came out of his room to see first hand Hoseok pinning Jimin to the wall with a shard of glass in his hand and broken pieces all around.

"Hoseok drop the glass and Jimin NOW!" He stood arms crossed like a mother getting her son in trouble.

At Jin's scary voice he instantly dropped both letting the sharp glass hit the hardwood as well as letting Jimin weak body hit the ground with a lot of force.

"Hoseok what did I tell you about drinking so much." He stormed over grabbing the younger by his shirt and pulling him away from Jimin so he could catch his breath.

"He was playing stupid games with me." Hoseok glared down to where Jimin was back pressed against the wall holding his aching neck while breathing heavy.

He always loved Hoseok but it was times like these when he would really consider the feelings he had. He was terrified of Hoseok in every way, the way he got drunk and was abusive. He knew what Hobi was sober he was much better and loving but Jimin didn't know if he wanted him anymore.

Jin calmed Hoseok down, getting him a glass of water which he chugged quickly breathing heavy as he did so.

"Jiminie baby I have some Advil in my bathroom." Jin patted Hoseok's back nodding over to Jimin who looked like he was in extreme pain from being chocked.

Yet Jimin wasn't going to give up in making Hoseok his. After all that has happened he feels love somewhere in his heart and he knows Hoseok feels the same.

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