[15] man in black

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There was a bit of a bite to the crisp cold air, Jimin was busy kicking rocks on a bench in the park. He got to hear the birds chirping calming him down after the frantic day he just had. He's afraid his heart won't take anymore pain or even his roommate who of which he wants to befriend.

The creek could be heard ever so lightly flowing over rocks and down the stream. No matter how calming the view or the sounds are he can never get over the fact of his Hyung trying to die. Of course Jimin had tried in the past but he felt as if he got over that part in his life. Yet seeing Hoseok lay there motionless pale face is when reality hit the young male. His heart beat faster then it's suppose to as well as his increased breath.

He did notice the two medicine bottles on it reading the same drug Jimin used to die yet Jimin only used one of the bottles. Of course he survived but the thing that died the night of the attempt was his soul. The friends at his high school tried to be supportive yet they had no idea what was really happening, they were all little teenagers.

The wind picked up bringing a chill to the small blonde male who brings his arms up crossing them for warmth. There was no one in the small park outside the hospital so he sat there feeling the mist of the water hit his face.

"Cold?" A unfamiliar voice rang out behind him almost giving him a heart attack in the process.

"Fucking hell you scared me." The male in front of him giggles taking a deep breath in putting his hands in his pocket yet his eyes never leave the blondes.

"So why are you out here?" The male sat down on the same bench his sent was vanilla. It was warm and soothing something he has never smelled before.

"Well my friend is in the hospital just right there and I don't think he would want to see me right when he wakes up."Jimin leaned forward pressing his elbows down on his knees shaking his head cutely as his hair falls in front of his eyes.

"Ah!" The unnamed male took his rather masculine hands out of his pocket lacing his fingers together before setting them on his lap.

"Well are you going to tell me why you're here?" Jimin sat up making the other male laugh slowly pushing his blonde hair out of his face dragging the tips of his fingers down to his jawline.

"I-uh my boyfriend kinda left me here." The male felt so discouraged once the words left his tongue almost like he regretted the events that led up.

"What happened?" Jimin was curious leaning back resting his elbow on the table behind them running his little cute chubby hand through his hair.

"I don't know he got pissed, anyway enough about me what's your name?" The seemingly younger male scoots closer leaning in closing the gap a little. Jimin stomach turns at the thought making him gulp.

"U-uh Jimin." He stuttered which in the moment might not be a good time to be all submissive. 

"Jimin...that seems familiar." The young male ponders before looking back at Jimin's brown eyes how the sparkle in the disappeared as the unknown male got closer.

"I'm Jungkook." Jimin took another gulp as he remembers that name in which he couldn't  put his finger on it.

"W-Well I should go." Jungkook stands up dusting off his pants.

"Okay yeah I should to but don't you want my number or something?" Jimin stood up as well dusting off his pants almost right when the younger does.

"don't worry about it I have a feeling this won't be the last time we meet." Jungkook smirks resting his hand on the small curve of Jimin's hip pulling him in a tab bit closer before pulling away eyes glistening as he walks away.

Jungkook almost disappears into the wooded area leaving silence to take over the park once more. Jimin looked down kicking one more pebble before the cold was too much to handle. He did think if he was cold he could go back in the hospital he didn't think Hoseok would be awake so soon.

He walked down the quiet hall listening to the heart rate monitors beep calming which was the complete opposite for Jimin's who's heart was racing so much he might have a heart attack.

Yoongi was on his phone laughing at something funny while Namjoon held Jin's hand as they sat really close. Jimin almost forgot completely about Hoseok once he saw the two holding hands which made his heart melt so much he let out a cute soft noise making them all jump to see the sound.

"Ah! Jimin you're back where did you go?" Jin stood up letting go of Namjoon before racing over to his child bringing him into a hug.

"Woah there save your energy for when Hoseok wakes up." Jimin giggles pushing away from the hug to walk over to Hoseok who was looking a lot better.

"So uh you kinda said something then left so I don't know if you were mad with us or not." Yoongi finally puts his phone away sitting down on the edge of Hoseok's bed giving Jimin his seat.

"I wasn't mad...it's just I went through what he's going through now." Jimin looked down hearing silence in the room not knowing how the other men would take such news.

"Listen we're here for you no matter what okay I know high school was rough but you don't have to be alone." Jin walks over pushing his chair to be right next to Jimin wrapping his arms so strongly that the younger's head might pop off.

"Jin Hyung s-stop you're killing me." He stuttered our barely able to breath but he let's go right away.

"Sorry chim." Silence laid over the whole room like a blanket. Not even a warm fuzzy blanket more like a dense cold blanket that your family hides in a closet for when unwanted family comes over.

The air was cold yet comforting, the whole room's mood shifting to something more like a no one knows what they are doing yet they know what they are doing.

Yoongi was on the verge of sleeping and had somehow made his way into Hoseok's bed snuggling close just until he woke up. Once he wakes up the last thing he would want is his hard core rap friends snuggling to his side. Jin fell asleep and Namjoon proudly took the elders body to lean on his which was super cute. That left Jimin who sat on the other side of the room not knowing if he should really be there in the same room as Hoseok.

Soon enough everyone was asleep waking up to a loud thump on the door making everyone wake up except Yoongi of course who rolled his eyes then cuddled deeper into Hoseok's side. It was cute but from Jimin's stand point he was a little jealous.

He knew it was the nurse so she let herself in after the quick knock.

"Okay he should be awake shortly when he does just let a nurse on this floor know and she will get him all good to go." She crosses something off of her clipboard Jin waking up finding him laying on Namjoon's thick thighs.

"Will he be able to leave today?" He sits up running his eyes shaking Namjoon to see if he's awake.

"Well if he wakes up in the next hour and a half he should be ready to go." She smiled genuinely even though she's been in that hospital since four in the morning.

Namjoon sat up grabbing Jin's side for support looking over at the two black hair males sharing the same bed.

"Yoongles I wouldn't be in the same bed as his once he wakes up or we will be planning a funeral next." Jin jokes hearing a low groan from Yoongi who sits up popping his back looking around the room for his phone.

"Get the fuck off me!" Yoongi get so startled he hits the floor with a loud thump receiving a loud laughing fit from everyone in the room.

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