[12] Exposed

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'Well fuck."
Jimin sat alone in his bedroom in the empty apartment. Jin went out to get some groceries while Hoseok was out working on music with Namjoon and Yoongi. He couldn't stop thinking of Hoseok how he might be in love with him, how his hands would feel against his bare chest. Yet he heard the front door open and close stopping the thoughts that were flooding his mind. Jimin thought it was Jin so he ran down the hall to come to a halt when Hoseok stood lips pressed against another girls who he assumed was Jenny, his girlfriend.

"I-oh Jimin I didn't know you were home." Hoseok pushed Jenny a bit away to face the younger male who had a shocked expression.

"I thought you were working on lyrics." Jimin got all sputtery all of a sudden with a cute girl in the room.

"Well I'm going to go he ruined the moment." Jenny scoffed playing with a strand of her boyfriend's hair before giving Jimin a death glare.

The door slammed shut and right away Hoseok giggles making Jimin look at his Hyung with confusion.

"Thank god you were here I don't want to fuck her, 'ruined the moment' more like saved it. Thank you Chimmy." Hoseok walked up petting the younger male on his head making Jimin blush at the contact. Jimin also liked the nickname Hoseok gave him in that moment it was cute and what couples do.

Usually a normal person would remove their hand and leave which Jimin thought until Hoseok's touch lingered for a long time. Hoseok ran the pads on his finger down the back of Jimin's head leaning a little closer to his body watching Jimin's eyes flick from his eyes down to his lips. Hosoek quickly pulled away eyeing Jimin up and down like Jimin was feeling him up.

"I knew it!" He scoffed crossing his arms stepping back hearing the jingle of keys on the other side of the door. Which meant Jin was about to walk through the door.

"W-what?" Jimin was just an innocent child getting played in Hoseok's little game.

"You're in love with me." Right when Hoseok started to talk is when Jin busted through the door stopped in a look of shock that Jin and Jimin both shared.

Hoseok smirks looking over his shoulder to see Jin. He waves before bouncing off down the hall to his room. Jimin stood there crossing his arms in embarrassment, Jin notices running to the kitchen setting the bag down on the counter before running to Jimin.

"Jiminie what happened why does he think you're in love with him?" Jimin's knees were getting weak and it was getting hard for him to stand. He looks over to a chair collapsing with the help of Jin.

"It's because he tricked me, i-i I'm in love with him Jinnie Hyung. I'm in love love with Jung Hoseok." He came to the realization that he was in love with his Hyung and he didn't want to hide it anymore, he was openly bi but since Hoseok was straight he had no hope.

"I hate this feeling make it go away Hyung." Jimin cries hard into Jin's shoulder feeling Jin's hand rub up and down lovingly trying to calm down the younger.

"It's okay to be in love. I'm in love with Namjoon and there is no way he likes me back." Jin leaned up petting the younger's head kissing his head quick before leaving the room leaving Jimin to calm down all by himself.

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