[29] Excuses, Excuses

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Yoongi was excited for his date on Monday after Jimin's shift. Of course he was nervous but was thankful he got to score a date. He carried on home in a cab looking at the buildings as they pass. Watching how the cars reflection distorted as they drove by.

He hasn't been happier.

Jimin on the other hand was nervous and scared for the date. Not only did he just lie to Yoongi telling him he might be in love with him, but the fact he has to break off the date was something he didn't want to have to do. He sat in his room after Jungkook left looking up at the ceiling watching how if he stared at one spot it would start looking funny.

He hasn't been this nervous for anything.

Before both of them knew it, it was time for the day of the date. Yoongi woke up at his normal time getting ready and showering feeling excited with a little bit of nerves. Jimin woke up at his normal time around five in the morning grabbing his banana milk before getting ready for the day.

Jimin tossed his hair around while looking in the bathroom mirror. The pink color was fading as he smoothed gel over it to comb it lightly back. His heart was racing and his hands were shaking which for Jin passing by noticed right away.

"Hey Jimin what's up." The bathroom door was open letting the steam escape from Hoseok's shower earlier. Jimin frowned looking over at his Hyung who was leaning in the door way.

"I have a date with Yoongi after work." He didn't see the confused reaction on Jin's face because he quickly looked back in the mirror to continue getting ready.

"Why with Yoongi? I thought you liked Hoseok." He made sure to whisper Hoseok's name seeing as his room was close by he even leaned in a little feeling the warm moist air still roaming the bathroom.

"Well I was dumb and thought dating Yoongi would get my mind off of him but instead Jungkook told me that what I was doing was leading him on." He gulped nervous for what was to come. He knew Jin would not be so happy with what he is doing so there was going to be some sort of outburst.

"Of course that's leading him on! Jimin you can't do that! Please tell me you'll tell him that you don't like him." He was almost yelling as Jimin flinched setting down a comb he was using before turning around to the full length mirror on the door.

"Yes I am telling him! Okay anyway how do I look." Jimin turned opening his arms do Jin would get the full view.

He was wearing light washed ripped loose jeans along with a crop top which was white and had black racing stripes down the arms only going down to the pant line.

"Honestly you always look good, but you should be going Namjoon came so you guys could walk together." Jin gave a weak smile before letting the younger pass him watching him bounce down the hallway grabbing his stuff on the way.

The door to Hoseok's room slowly opened seeing a puff of black hair escape looking down as the front door closed.

"What was all the noise?" He looked over to Jin who was still standing next to the bathroom arms crossed.

"Jimin." Was all he said before making his way down to the kitchen to make food.


The day went by fast for Namjoon as he cleaned the surfaces as they only had about an hour and a half left. Yoongi was suppose to show up any minute for their date, Jimin's not going to lie He was nervous but nervous for having to break things off with the older.

Soon after about twenty minutes of looking down at his phone he heard the door to the cafe chime signaling that someone had walked in. When Jimin looked up he saw Namjoon talking to him first which gave Jimin time to check out his outfit.

He was wearing black skinny jeans which showed off his nice slim legs which Jimin wanted so bad. He was wearing a black ripped shirt with a leather jacket over the top which to anyone who make them drool. Jimin did think the older was sexy but did his heart flutter when they made eye contact sadly no not even a little.

Jimin wasn't going to be straight forward with him he was going to convince Yoongi that they aren't meant for each other. Like every movie he has ever watched was preparing him for this moment.

Soon Yoongi walked passed Namjoon to get to his date.

"Damn you look hot." He smirks making Jimin's insides turn a little at the compliment.

"I was about to say the same to you." His nerves kinda went away as Jimin stepped away from the counter walking with Yoongi to a table near a window.

"So how was your day." The older asked placing his head in his hands looking at the younger's cute features.

"Oh you know some old same old." He kept his answer short not even asking the question back.

"I bet....well today I went on a walk and wrote down some lyrics." Jimin was jealous for sure of Yoongi's life. All Yoongi had to do was create music which was difficult but Jimin would rather do it in a heart beat.

"Oh yeah how's the music business does it pay well?" Jimin started tapping his fingers nervously on the table seeing Yoongi's eyes dart from his eyes to the fingers tapping lightly on the wood.

"Well you know each song gets a different amount but me and Namjoon were talking about going under a company." He nods reaching for the tapping hand in front of him making sure to calm down the nerves the younger had.

"That would be great if you guys could, anyway Uh so...." Jimin was at a loss for words he had no idea what to talk about next. Usually with his other friends the conversation flowed nicely yet it was different with Yoongi knowing it was a date and not a regular hangout.

"It really would and maybe you can sing on one of our tracks I heard you're really good." The black haired male smiled running his thumb over the back of Jimin's small hands.

"Uh I don't know I don't really do that anymore." The shorter of the two shook his head looking down to his lap looking as his phone lit up in his pocket from a text.

"Uh hold on I have to check this it's a text from my mom." He lied breaking the hand holding to look at a text from Namjoon, Jimin didn't want to look for the older knowing it would draw attention to him but he read the text.

Rm: Jin told me everything! Don't you dare lead him on or we will have serious issues do you hear me!

He's not going to lie he did feel threatened by the text he received knowing this was a big deal and nothing his mom can help him with.

"Is it serious?" Yoongi finally spoke after a couple minutes of silence.

"Uh y-yeah I need to go." Jimin found his excuse to leave. He stood up as Yoongi did the same.

"Thanks for this I guess." All Jimin did was nod in response before he left the cafe and didn't stop walking until he got safe in his apartment.

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