[13] Bitches game

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Jimin found himself alone once again listening to the soft music coming from Hoseok's room. Even if the younger was mad at his hyung he stilled loved listening to the rap tracks that were being played. He looked out the window seeing the sun disappear darkness soon taking over the sky. This was the first time in a long time that Jimin saw the stars littering the sky shining bright.

"Bright." Jimin spoke softly to not be heard from anyone, tracing his index finger along the glass following it with his eyes.

He can't remember the last time he left his room. It's been at least a whole day since the Hoseok incident and Jimin haven't got the courage to face anyone at the moment.

A soft knock was placed gently on Jimin's door making him jump. The door slowly opened to reveal Jin, resting his body on the door frame eyes soft.

"If you want dinner is ready." Jin softly smiled closing the door as he leaves making sure to not have an even angrier Jimin on his hands.

Jimin was about to walk out of his room when he heard the music stop, rustling as the door opened Jin talking about dinner.

Jimin sat back down not daring to walk out into the kitchen in fear to see Hoseok smug look as he eats his dinner. Instead he waited about twenty minutes hearing the rap track resume telling the younger Hoseok was out of the kitchen.

Jimin steps out into the cold hallway walking passed each room quietly so no one hears him. When he enters the kitchen he is face to face with Jin placing food on a plate for Jimin.

Jin quickly spun around with a smile seeing the younger male up and walking.

"Jimin!" He yelped plate of food in hand he walked to the table pulling out a chair for Jimin to take a seat.

"Sit down." Jin motions for the younger to take a seat which Jimin gladly accepts sitting down in front of the big plate of food.

"I'm not that hungry hyung." Jimin looks up at Jin was big eyes hoping Jin wouldn't make him eat seeing as he wasn't in the mood for food.

"Nonsense you haven't ate in hours so please eat it don't make me go full mom on you." Jimin has never seen Jin go full mom and knowing the older it wasn't going to be good so he picked up a fork and stabbing the steak.

Jimin froze hearing another pair of footsteps enter the room. He didn't move a muscle as a cabinet slowly opened glasses moving around.

"Ah Jimin I would like to apologize if I could I didn't mean to do that." Hoseok moved his index finger around the rim of the glass seeing Jimin turn around in his seat to face the older.

"Don't it's whatever, sure I'm in love with you it's not like I can hide it anymore. I don't know what to tell you other than sorry." Jimin's voice was far from nice it was more as a snap causing his voice to raise scaring Jin who was just trying to clean up.

Hoseok sighed not saying another word filling the glass to the top with water before leaving Jimin finally could breath once his hyung was out of the room.

"What is wrong with you. You just met him not that long ago and you two can't seem to get along." Jin's tone made Jimin slam his fork onto the table.

"What do you mean I literally just now said I was in love with him. I've tried to be nice but all he does it play me in his stupid little game revealing my feelings for him." Jimin stood up walking back towards his room noticing the music that once took over the whole apartment was gone.

Curious he pressed his ear to the door to hear silence and nothing more then a glass which Jimin could assume was the water glass being slammed on a table with a loud thump. Jimin jumped at the sound causing a loud noise from the hall to be heard in Hoseok's ear. Hoseok huffed not daring to walk out into the hallway after what he just done.

Jimin walked back into his room noticing the late time. He crawled into bed getting a weird feeling in his chest and stomach like something was wrong. He couldn't explain it other then a mother's instinct yet he had no idea what happened or what was going to happen. He tried to sleep off the feeling which didn't help, nothing helped. He sat up in bed after an hour hearing a thump coming from Hoseok's room scaring Jimin a little.

"Somethings not right." Jimin finally got up storming out into the hallway instantly getting a feeling of getting hit in the chest by something heavy yet nothing hit him physically. He could feel his eyes water at the thought of what was happening.

He knew Hoseok was in trouble so he pressed his ear against the door to hear quiet sobs telling Jimin Hoseok was okay. When he listen closer he heard things getting knocked over scaring the younger a little. He knocked on the door lightly afraid of facing the man he had grown to be scared of.

Soon Hoseok clicked a button on his laptop which caused loud music to be played drowning out the knocks on the door. Jimin couldn't help but knock loud the feeling in his chest getting worse each knock he placed on the door. 

The sound of Hoseok knocking stuff over stopped leaving his room silent other than the loud music being blasted.

"Hoseok open up." Jimin knocked loud looking down the hall to see Jin no where, meaning he must of went to Namjoon's house or something.

Jimin was terrified not knowing what to do with Hoseok not answering and this feeling of heavy pressure in his chest making I hard for him to breath.

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