[34] Turned me gay

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'Am I gay if I watch gay porn?' Hoseok quickly typed into his phone sitting on his bed now frantic. Yet all that came up were people saying they watched with a friend or they were curious. Non said that they jerked themselves off to it which made his heart rate increase. Being gay to him wasn't wrong all of his friends were gay so he had no problem with it, the problem was accepting himself and how others will view him. He had hid his feelings from truly everyone his whole life afraid to fall in love.

He was so happy when he saw a gay couple out in the streets not caring who is staring at them. Yet for Hoseok he was scared, scared to fall in love with someone who won't like him back. He would never admit to liking Jimin or so he thought. He thought his heart was playing tricks on him the way it would speed up when they make eye contact, or that time his heart dropped when their hands brushed each other. Also not to mention the forehead kiss in the bathroom earlier that day he still doesn't know what got into him.

He found nothing wrong in letting the younger be in the bathroom as he took a shower. Nothing really felt wrong about it if anything it felt right to have Jimin with him all day. Of course to a straight guy it would be wrong to have a guy friend in the bathroom as you shower. This got the man thinking, thinking of how he feels when he's with Jimin vs how he feels with Jin.

With Jimin: every time Yoongi is with Jimin he feels his heart flutter. With Jin: he doesn't really feel any different then with anyone else. He didn't need anymore examples he just knew from that first thought that he very much might have feelings for Jimin but he wasn't so sure yet.  He laid back down so his back was against the bed listening to silence as the video he watched played over and over in his head.


Jimin was just getting over the nerves that came from breaking Yoongi's heart. Of course he was upset he had to hurt his friends feelings but he couldn't lie to him like that. He felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders as he walked into the apartment being met with Jin sprawled out on the couch.

"Look he's smiling." Jin shot up to a sitting position sliding his phone on the coffee table next to a open bottle of beer.

"Look he's drinking." Jimin mocked setting his things down on the small table.

"Oh hush! Anyway Namjoon told me you broke things off with Yoongs so how do you feel?" Seokjin rested his head in the palm of his hand while leaning on the arm rest.

"Ah it was good I feel great having done that knowing I can't hurt him anymore." He slid off his jacket throwing it on the coat rack walking into the kitchen for a beer, he grown a craving once he noticed Jin having one.

Hoseok heard the commotion and walked out to see Jin sitting by himself sipping from a beer. He felt like he did something wrong as if he was going to get caught for what he did earlier.

"Hey Hoseok I haven't seen you all day." He beamed a smiled towards the younger tilting his bottle back letting the bitter liquid burn his throat.

"Y-yeah I lost track of time while working on a song you know." He lied sitting down on the couch away from Jin Yet he felt eyes burning into his skin.

"Hoseok?" Jin leaned down setting down his bottle getting weird vibes from Hobi as he doesn't usually act like this.

"Y-yeah?" He answered crossing his right leg over his left not daring making eye contact with the older.

"Okay Jin oh Hoseok I didn't know you were home." Jimin smiled holding the beer bottle in his right hand as he stepped into the living room cutting off what Jin was about to ask.

"Uh I s-should go." Hoseok was quick to stand up and walking into the kitchen of all places.

He knew he shouldn't but he opened he fridge quickly grabbing a couple beer bottles before anyone could find out. He threw open the drawer to find the bottle opener and quickly downed both bottles before Jimin could walk in to see what was wrong.

"Fuck. Hoseok you know you can't drink." Jimin walked in which turned into a fast walk setting his beer down and grabbing the beer bottle that were pressed to his lips.

As soon as the bottle was removed from Hoseok's lips he felt dizzy not yet drunk. He missed something touching his lips and before anything could be said Hoseok leaned in and forcefully collided Jimin's lips with his. Jimin was caught off guard and his eyes widened at the feeling. He didn't kiss back because he was stunned. Hoseok leaned back a little from the kiss yet keeping their faces close together.

"Thanks for turning me gay." Hoseok mumbles as their lips are still brushing against each. They stayed like that for a little until Jimin got what he said.

"W-what." Jimin looked down at his feet then back up at the older with a confused look. Jimin turned him gay by being attractive and hot, more like irresistible but what he didn't know if that he was gay this whole time.

"Bye." Hoseok took the bottle back from Jimin and chugged the rest which wasn't that much.

He ignored Jimin's calls out and walked straight to his room. It hasn't hit him yet of what he has done but in the morning he is going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Jimin stayed in the kitchen for a while. He brought his hand up to lightly touch his lips with the pad of his fingers. He couldn't believe what just happened, it happened so fast that he could really do anything. Of course he wanted it but not like that, he wanted their first kiss to be romantic and not in the kitchen after Hoseok downed two beers.

Even though it wasn't perfect Jimin left the kitchen with a smile on his face. Jin noticed the smile but left it alone as he watched the younger walk down to his room not saying a single word just smiling the whole time.

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