[3] Friend favors

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Once Jimin got home from his productive morning he set down his paperwork, set on finishing it later as he wanted to text Jin as soon as possible. He made his way down the short hall into the small living room sticky note with the writing in hand before flopping on the chair. He put the number in his phone while thinking of a way to introduce himself without freaking the older out thinking he's weird and a stalker.

Me: Hey, it's Park Jimin I don't know if you remember me from high school since you graduated way before me but Namjoon gave me your number saying that you needed another roommate. I'm getting kicked out by my parents so I really need a place to live right now.

He set down his phone content with the text he just sent. He laid his body down on the couch starring over at the clock which hung on the wall ticking to a steady beat.

*Ding he looked over to see his phone light up with a notification he could only assume was Seokjin.

Seokjin: hey yeah of course I remember you Namjoon talks about you all the time. Anyway sure I do really need another roommate. When exactly do you need to leave your parents house?

"Well they're acting like I needed to leave three months ago." Jimin giggled clicking the text bar to respond.

Me: well that's the thing I need to leave as soon as possible my mom have given me a week to leave. I'm sorry this is last minute.

Now he was thinking this was too much to ask for, he would never do it.

Seokjin: that's fine don't worry about it. I will talk with my roommate about it and see. I will text you later when you can move in.

Jimin smiled at the text making sure to send a quick 'thanks' before setting his phone down on the end table. He got up phone in hand walking towards the stairs, he was stopped by the front door opening right into him coming face to face with his mom.

"Oh my god Jimin in so sorry." She bent down laughing once he saw Jimin laying on the floor laughing so hard.

"Eomma." He said dramatically as he pretended to be hurt while laughing.

"Stop and stand." She giggled grabbing him helping him up off of the ground.

"Whats this." She picked up the form Jimin got.

"Ms. Kim wants me to work at the cafe so I was going to fill them out. Ooo also I texted one of my old high school friends and he needs another roommate so he's getting everything ready." He watched his moms smile quickly fade into a sad look.

"What's wrong mom don't you want this, you were the one to give me a week to leave." She set down the form back where she found it.

"I know but your still my baby." She touched his neck with her hand tilting her head to frown.

"Mom you can't kick me out then be upset when I finally leave okay." He touched her shoulder lovely before turning to the stairs jogging up the stairs and in his room.

The sun was finally setting meaning his dad got home from work for dinner. He glanced at his phone when he heard it ding with a new text.

Seokjin: hey so he's not really into the idea but I eventually convinced him and since it is my apartment he has no choice so how about I come get you on Wednesday so that gives you enough time to finish packing.

Jimin almost jumped up and down with the thought of moving in with Jin.

Me: uh yeah Wednesday is perfect.

He turned around to face the two big boxes that had his room shoved in. He didn't have that much but he made sure to bring all his clothes and other things he can't live without. Just then the front door opened closing with a thud. Jimin excitedly ran down the stairs into the kitchen watching his mom mix some vegetables together in a pan.

"Dad since you are now here I need to tell you something." Intrigued like he did something wrong his dad set down his beer fixing his gaze on his son.

"On Wednesday Seokjin is coming over and he's going to let me move in with him." Jimin beamed knowing his dad would be super happy over everything.

"That's great honey but who's seokjin?" His mom turned around away from her stew she was making.

"Mom he's a old high school friend, I'm moving in with him and getting that job down at the cafe I already gave her the form." He sat down across from his dad who picked up his beer again taking a big swig.

"Is that so chimmy." His dad narrowed his eyes down at the smaller boy trying to find some sort of lie in his words.

"Yes that is so father and you guys better be happy." He folded his arms letting his mom place a cup of ice cold water on the table.

Jimin began to drink the water letting his two parents figure things out of his son.

"I am happy, now let's eat." Jimin set down his cup watching his mom come over with a pan full of vegetable stew.

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