[2] Jobs for all

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"No.....No....No." Jimin sat there swiping past potential sugar daddies trying to find someone who will give him money so he wouldn't have to get a job.

He sat there alone in his house as his parents were out at work, he gave up on the whole sugar daddy idea getting a couple matches but none were really catching his eye or lived close to him. He got off of the kitchen chair walking to go for a walk and search for places he could get a job at. He was told by Namjoon that if he wanted he could get a job at the cafe so that was going to be his first stop.

The air was as cold or might be even colder than the day before making Jimin's hands jump into his nice fluffy pockets. Town wasn't that far from his house so he walked down the road he passed by the many stores like usual yet this time he didn't stop to look at the many objects that you could buy.

He hummed a small tune to himself as he could see the cafe's fairy lights just down the road, getting closer by the second. Once he got down to the cafe he walked in to be met with the warm glow and sweet smell which filled his lungs. He stepped inside the small cafe listening to the bell that hung at the top of the door.

"Hey Jimin! What's up." A tall handsome man by the name of Namjoon walked into the room drying off a blue mug.

"Be careful don't drop that." Jimin pointed worriedly towards the fragile mug loosely placed in his hand.

"Jimin I'll have you know I have-" Just then the mug fell from his grip dropping and smashing onto the floor. They flinched at the sound the mug breaking on the ground.

"Ah Namjoon what did I tell you about holding the mugs and plates, this is the second time already today you dropped something." His mom stormed into the room quickly picking up the pieces of the broken pottery. 

"Sorry Ms. Kim I was kinda distracting him." Jimin spoke so that Ms. Kim could know he was there.

"Hey Jimin...your mom called me earlier about you needing a job." She stood up dropping the big pieces of the broken mug in the trash, Namjoon  handing her the dustpan and broom. 

"Uh yeah I do actually that's why I came down here." Jimin smiled.

"Oh very good I was just telling Namjoon how it would be nice to have some extra hands around here seeing that Namjoon can't use his hands correctly." She giggled throwing away the last of the broken mug.

"So does that mean you'll hire me?" Jimin smiled knowing that half of his journey was over.

"Yeah you can help Namjoon, I will go get the paper work typed and printed and you can go home fill it out and bring it back tomorrow or even later today." She dusted her hands on her apron leaving the two boys in the front as he went back into the  back room.

"This is going to be so fun!" Namjoon clapped.

"Yup now all I have to do is find a place to live." Jimin huffed leaning against the counter looking down at the freshly made cakes before him.

"Hmm wait you need a place to live?" Namjoon asked eyebrows knitted together looking towards the younger.

"Yes my mom is giving me a week to move out of her house." Jimin swirled his hand on the counter top.

"I might have a friend who needs a roommate...remember Seokjin hyung." Namjoon watched as the young man in front of his stand straight up eyes wide.

"Kim Seokjin aka the guy you drooled over for the past three years yes I know him. We haven't talked in so long." Jimin teased watching his hyung roll his eyes.

"Shut up 'guy who literally tripped down the stairs right in front of your crush Min Yoongi." Namjoon then teased laughing reaching for his phone from his pocket.

"Alright shut up that made me cry for a whole week knowing I ruined my chances so thanks for triggering me." Jimin leaned again on the table as Namjoon retrieved Jin's number.

"whatever do you want his number or not?" 

"No I want it." Jimin leaned over watching Namjoon write a number on the pink pastel sticky note.

"Here you go." He smiled handing the sticky note.

"Thanks hyung I'll try not to tell him that you love him." Jimin waited for the sticky note to be completely in his hand before teasing the older knowing he would take the sticky note back.

"Hush child, I don't like him anymore it was just a high school crush." He protested with a soft voice listening to his mom walk back into the room.

"So you tell me if he walked into this cafe right now you would fine?" Jimin reached for the paper work.

"Well if he liked me back." He nervously laughed scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I know for sure hes gay so there you have chance." Jimin watched Namjoon's face show confusion knowing Jin never came out to him.

"How do you know?" He furrowed his eyebrows, hes mom walking back to make more of the cakes they were serving that day.

"I may have have him on grinder haha anyway bye." Jimin nervously laughed turning around walking towards the door ready to be hit with the cold breeze of the morning air.

He stepped back out into the cold air looking down at the sticky note with Jin's number written in blue glitter pen. 'Of course his gay ass would have glitter pens.' He laughed at his own statement.

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