Ruby "Ruben" Martinez

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You and Ruby had just gotten into a fight, you couldn't remember why you were arguing but it ended with you leaving his house.

"Just go talk to him," Jamal said patting your back as you sat on his bed, "It's not that hard, knock in his window and apologise then make out."

You rolled your eyes at your friend wiping your checks, "It's not that easy, we've never fought like this before."

Jamal grabbed one of you wrists pulling you to your feet before dragging you out of his house. "Go! He's right next door, don't worry girl I got you-"

He paused, "-from right here."

Your felt your whole body shake as you walked towards his window, you haven't felt this nervous since the time you puked on the teachers desk and blamed it on Cesar.

When you got up to the window you were about to knock when you heard a soft giggle, you tried to make out what was happening inside the dark room.

You lightly pushed up the window sticking your head in to get a closer look but your heart stopped when you heard her voice.

"Did you and Y/N break up yet?"
"Yes. We don't have to hide anymore."

Quickly, you pulled your head out the window rushing back to Jamal who sat on his porch, on his phone.

"What happened!" Jamal stood up holding on to your (body_shape) figure.
"I was right! I was fucking right the whole time." You sobbed.

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