"Let me rephrase that...Percy dances like he has three left feet and one right foot."

"Oh...well, hopefully I'm not THAT bad."


I smiled. We started watching the movie. Gods, Justin Timberlake was HAWT!

"Justin Timberlake's hot."

"I know...so is Mila Kunis."

"You're bi, aren't you?"

"I think so, never really questioned it."

I looked at me.

"You've never questioned your sexuality?"


"So how do you know for sure?"

"I don't, I just sorta knew I liked girls and guys. I never really questioned who I like more."


"Yeah, I never really saw a reason too."


"Well how did you figure out you were gay? I mean, I have a feeling no guy has ever kissed you so...How'd you figure out."

"Sorta like you. I just knew I didn't like girls. And then I kissed one-"

"You've kissed a girl?"

"Yes, at a party, and when I kissed her, I just didn't like it at all."

"But you've never kissed a boy?"

"I almost kissed you, that's about it."

He blushed.

"Oh, well...you know if you ever wanna kiss a boy..I'll probably be free."


"Who knows what girl I'll be with then."

"Probably your robot girlfriend you made."

"Shut up."

He said, pushing me.

"You're just upset 'cause you know it's true."


I looked at the screen. It was the part where Justin gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of sex.

"Justin also has a nice ass."

Leo looked at me.

"You know who has a nice ass?"



I blushed.

"I don't have a nice ass...but you know who does?"



He rolled his eyes.

"Really, you know I've never noticed, I don't really look at my friends butts that much."

I looked at him, confused.

"You're my best friend, it's different."

"Of course it is."

He smiled. He had a really nice smile too. I don't get why no girls like him. He's cute, not handsome but cute. Woah, that sounded really mean....

"So, I heard Rachel was going to ask you out."


"Nothing, I was just trying to get your attention."

"For what, you asshole."

He laughed.

"I was wondering if you liked tacos."

"Oh and I'm the random one."

"I'm not being random, I'm just finding out more about you."

I rolled my eyes. We do that alot...sassy us be sassy...?

"I do like tacos."

"Good then this friendship can continue."

I smiled.

"Oh, did you know that Percy ships us?"

"Huh? What's our name?"

"Leico Valdangelo."

Percy's really weird.

"Why are you first?"

"Cause obviously I'd top."

"No, you would not top."

"I would so."





I looked at him.

"Why don't we go test this out?"

He pointed to my bed. I blushed a deep red.

"Nope, I'm good with watching the movie."

"A movie about sex."

He whispered in my ear.

"We agreed to no flirting I thought."

"Oh right sorry, Nikki."

He said, defeated. That was what great about Leo. He stops whatever he's doing when you tell him.

"Do you have a rule?"


"Like a 5 date rule or?"

"I don't date, so there is no rule."

"So you go to bed after the first date?"

"What? No! I just mean't that I never really thought of a rule, 'cause I never needed one."

"So what would you make your rule."

"Well, I guess like 50 days after at least 10 dates or something. I'm not really thinking about sex that much."

"Wow, you're hard to get in bed."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"For you, not for the guy trying to get you in bed."

"Can we not talk about this, I don't have a rule cause I don't exactly plan on having sex til, like senior year, at least."

"Oh yeah, you're a freshman, I forget cause you're so much more mature then me and Percy."

"I'm gonna watch the movie."

Why was he asking me about my sex rules. Did he...no he was just joking he doesn't want me. I'm me.

A.N: Weird chapter I know but LEICO!!! So ya..I thought it was sorta cute and funny. R&R

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