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||June 24, 2017||

Lucy Florence

"Hey, Sam." I smile into the phone, Brennen laying next to me on the couch.

"Hey, Lucy. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and do a 3 am ritual with me." Brennen attaches his lips to my neck, gently sucking.

"Brennen stop," I giggle, pushing his head away, "yeah totally. I'm down."

"Awesome, it'll be you, Kat, Corey, Jake and I." I hold back a moan as Brennen bites my lower neck.

"Wait, Corey Scherer is doing a 3 am challenge?" I chuckle, running my free fingers through Brennen's hair.

"I know right." Sam laughs. We talk a few more seconds about plans before I hang up and toss my phone onto the coffee table.

"Gosh, finally," Brennen says, pulling me up so I am straddling him.


"So, what's been happening with you and Brennen recently?" Kat asks. It's already been a while since we've played the game and we're just chilling on the couch.

"Um, we've been dating for a while... almost two months now." I blush madly and smile at my lap.

"Awe. That's so sweet. I'm glad you're happy." Her hand rests on my arm.

"Yeah. He's a real gentleman." I bite my lip.

"What was your first date?" She asks, clearly intrigued.

"Um, we went to the beach and just chilled." I smile at the memory.

"Do you have any pictures or videos?" She asks. I nod and she scoots closer to me as I search through my phone.

"There was actually a teenaged boy, I think who was recoding us because he recognized Brennen. And he caught a video of me tackling Brennen." I search through my phone and find the video.

"Oh my god, that's hilarious. Was it cold?" I laugh with her and nod.

"It was freezing but it was a good day." I smile and show her some other pictures that we took.

"Hey, Colby," Kat says. I look up and make eye contact with him.

"Hey, Kat... Lucy." He greets with a kind smile on his face, and I see the pain darken his blue gaze.

"Hey, Colby." I greet back with a small wave and friendly smile. He smiles again before walking away and up the stairs. I look down at my lap with a sigh.

Colby Brock

"You still miss him, don't you?" I hear Kat ask quietly. I stop at the top of the stairs, debating if I should listen or not.

"I mean... I don't really know," My heart drops a little bit, "like, what he did was really wrong, y'know? But I've gotten over it and I want to be friends with him again. I really do. I just, I don't know." I feel tears welling up in my eyes remembering that night.

- - - (chapter seven in Colby's p.o.v)

"Colby?" I hear her ask from behind me, and I look at her as she closes the door softly, "whatever you've read or seen is a huge misunderstanding-"

"A misunderstanding?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes! What you're hearing are just rumors."

"Really? Then what the fuck is this?" I pull up the screenshots of Brennen's Snapchat video and show her.

"That is pretty much just Brennen comforting me and helping me sleep." She explains.

"Just comforting you, huh? Yeah, that explains you two being half-fucking-naked and sleeping together. And the damn hearts and heart eye emoji's." I toss my phone next to her, making her jump, "so, how long have you two been dating?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"We aren't dating! That is just rumors!" She stands up.

"Oh, so you're going to continue to lie to me?" I feel the tears in my eyes, running down my face.

"Colby-" Her voice breaks and she reaches for my arm.

"Go home, Lucy. Just-" I back away from her, not even looking her in the eyes.

"If you would just let me fucking explain, damn it-"

"Get out!" I yell and point at my door. She looks at me in utter disbelief, tears already streaming down her face.

"Whatever, Colby." She shoves my chest before leaving, slamming the bedroom door behind her. I grunt and yell loudly, tossing my lamp onto the floor, leaning on my hands against the wall. Full sobs echo in my room.

- - -

Corey comes out of his room and I catch his concerned gaze.

"Colby?" He asks, coming towards me.

"I'm fine." I walk quickly to my room, ignoring his calls to me. I close and lock my door before collapsing onto my bed on my back.

I should have listened to her... because now Brennen has her.


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