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||May 6, 2017||

Lucy Florence

"Are you okay?" Brennen asks as we sit on his couch after we dropped Jake off. "You haven't really eaten or said anything." His hand rests gently on my lower thigh, rubbing small circles to help comfort me.

"I-I don't really know. I don't know how to feel." I speak honestly to him, resting my hand on his. Brennen interlocks our fingers and I give a small smile.

"Yay, you smiled." He leans in a little bit closer to me.

"What time is it?" I ask him, looking directly into his big green eyes. He glances down at his phone.

"It is... 6:27 am." He immediately looks back at me.

"Okay, um. Even though I probably won't sleep... why don't we go lay down and try to relax?" I ask him, giving a gentle squeeze to his hand.

"Sure. We can lay down and watch a movie." He smiles at me. Kobe jumps into my lap and licks my face. I giggle and pick him up with my free hand.

"C'mon buddy, let's go lay down." We walk into Brennen's room after turning off all of the lights. I set Kobe on the bed and he jumps around.

"Here, you can change into these if you want." Brennen offers me a pair of gym shorts.

"Thanks." I grab them and go to one side of the bed. I kick my shoes off and pull my jean shorts down. I pull on his shorts and tie them as tight as I can, but they are still too big. I chuckle to myself and take off my crop top, leaving me in a simple sports bra.

I crawl onto the bed and lay flat on my stomach after putting my hair in a loose bun. Kobe slowly walks over my butt before laying down on my back. I feel his head resting right between my shoulder blades.

"And here we have my son cuddling with someone else." I lift and turn my head to see Brennen recording us.

"That's because he likes me better than he likes you." I tease him, resting my head back on the mattress while still looking at him. He laughs and sets the camera down before leaves for a moment. My heartbeat quickens and Kobe licks my shoulder. I calm down slightly when he re-enters the room with the t.v remote, some snacks, and water.

"What do you want to watch first?" He asks me. I think and look out his bedroom window, the slightest crack of light shining in.

"Umm... how about a Disney movie?" I ask him. He nods and lays down next to me, shirtless and in matching gym shorts. I bite my lip discreetly at the sight.

"You can't even see the t.v." He laughs at me still laying on my stomach with Kobe still on my back.

"I know. But it's so cute." I giggle as Kobe wags his tail, ticking my lower back.

"Here, I'll take a picture for you." He stands back up and takes a picture on his camera.


"Okay you guys, we have officially calmed down from that traumatic night. It is sometime around 9:00 am. Lucy is pretty much asleep finally." My eyes are closed, but I'm just listening to his soft voice.

One of my arms is draped over his bare stomach, the other held close to me. My right leg is tangled between both of his, his free arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"It's been a long night, especially for Lucy. So please go and show her some love she really needs it and it means a lot to me that she feels safe." I feel him staring down at me and I do my absolute best to contain my smile. There's a long pause, more than a minute long.

"But, uh. Yeah. We'll see you guys later." I hear the camera click off and be set on the nightstand. His soft breaths hit my face as we both drift into a peaceful sleep.


"I know! My shorts are too big!" I laugh loudly and allow one side to sag below my waist, showing my panties underneath.

"You're so tiny and petite but it was the only thing I had to offer you." Brennen shrugs and laughs with Jake, Lisa and I. I flop onto Jake and Brennen's laps, my hands resting on my bare stomach.

"Hey, at least it suits you," Lisa spoke. I laugh and shrug. In the corner of my eye, I see her wink at Brennen, his face becoming light pink.

"So, what are we going to do for the rest of today?" I ask no one in particular. It was already 2:00 pm since we slept in so late.

"Is anyone hungry?" Lisa asks with a slight shrug. I raise my arm, shaking my hand slightly.

"Yeah, I could eat." The two boys agree.

"Alright, why don't we stop at your house so you can change, then we'll go to lunch. On me." She offered.

"Awe, you don't have to do that," I tell her.

"No, no. I insist." She gives me a stern, yet friendly smile.

We've all learned that what Mama Taylor says, goes.

"Okay, okay. Fine." I huff jokingly. I roll myself off of the boys' laps and fall face-first onto the ground. I groan and laugh as Kobe runs over, licking all over my face. I fall into a fit of giggles, shielding my face from him until Brennen picks him up.

"You okay?" Jake asks, helping me back onto my feet. I nod with another laugh, adjusting the shorts the best I can.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just going to get my shoes on." I go into Brennen's room and grab my white converse.


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