Chapter Thirty Eight

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Before this chapter starts, I'd like to say that I'm extremely sorry for not updating in over a year ! I've honestly been so busy that I have not had time to keep rewatching episodes of Teen Wolf to write the chapters. I'm going to be writing as much as I can when I have free time so look out for upcoming chapters ! I plan on finishing this book before season 5 starts. If I don't, I'm apologizing in advance now. Also, I have no access to season 3A Teen Wolf anymore since the website I used shut down and for some reason doesn't work on my computer so from now on, I'm going to be winging it and Your Alpha is going to end differently than the show. If you do not like that, I'm sorry but that's how it's got to be. Please continue to read my book and enjoy !

~Cynthias POV~
I woke up in the middle of the night with Scott by my side. His arm was wrapped around my waist and my head was on his chest.

I teared a bit because it reminded me of the way I woke up with Stiles and Isaac. But screw Isaac. He did me worse than Stiles. Kissing another girl is one thing but actually developing feelings for someone else is not okay. I need to talk to both of them.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up straight, trying to be careful enough not to wake Scott. Obviously, that didn't work.

"Where are you going ?"

"Uhh I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Promise you won't go into my room and talk to Isaac ?" Scott raised his eyebrows.

"Promise. Now go back to sleep." I lied and walked out the room.

Thankfully, Scotts door was open and Isaac was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I shook him a little and he opened his eyes.

"Cyn, what are you-" I cut him off by placing my index finger over his lips. Next, I signaled for him to follow me.

We went into the bathroom and I locked the door and turned on the sink.

"Listen, before I can move on being your alpha and friend, I need to get a few things off of my chest." He nodded. "You promised me you wouldn't ever hurt me but you went right ahead and did it anyways and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for that. "

"But stiles actually cheated on you and you forgave him. You's seem closer than ever now." Isaac said.

"Kissing another girl isn't the same as falling in love with another girl. Stiles actually loved me. He made a mistake and I understand that but still. What you did was 10 times worse. You'll always be in my heart and I'll always care for you but we need to be apart for awhile. If you have any werewolf related issues,, go to Derek. Not me, as of right now." I turned the sink off and left the bathroom.

Scott was sound asleep when I returned to the bedroom. I got in bed again and fell asleep to the steady rhythm of my cousin's heart beat.

*Next Morning*
I awoke to a pair of bright ass flashlights for eyes in my face that honestly scared the shit out of me. "what the hell are you doing !?"

Scott just laughed and his eyes went back to normal. "Every time you wake up, your eyes are red. I wanted to see something."

"see what exactly?" I rolled over and out of bed. Scott did the same and we started to walk out of the room together.

"My eyes reflected off yours to make mine even brighter. I think thats cool."

I just laughed and continued to walk down stairs. Mom and Aunt Melissa were both at the counter sipping their Dunkin Donuts coffee and giggling. A box of donuts was just chilling on the counter.

"Good morning my loves, where's Isaac ?" My mom asked. I just avoided her question and went into the living room. I sat on the couch and listened to the conversation going on in the kitchen.

"what's up her ass ?" My mom asked Scott.

"Isaac and her are kind of.. On a break ." He sugar coated that. We're not on a break, we're done! I'm never going to be with him again.

"What happened ?" aunt Melissa asked.

"Long story. Maybe cyn should be the one to tell yall but not right now."

"I for one am happy they broke up." My mom sounded cheery which pissed me off. How the fuck does she feel happy that my heart is broken. "If she's this upset maybe stiles will charm her again. She seemed so much happier with him. Cyn and stiles belong together and I'm never going to stop believing that."

That made me smile so much. Now that I'm thinking about it, stiles did treat me so much better than Isaac did. I guess since Isaac was the first one to jump when I needed someone that I thought I loved him but in all reality, he was just a distraction. Stiles will always be the one. I just can't have him right now, though. He wouldn't be safe with me. Not with all the alphas and dark Druids and such. When I kill all of them, stills and I can be together at last. That's if he still loves me.

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