Chapter Fourty One

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Hey guys ! So I am literally the most sorry person in the world ! It's been like a year since I last updated ! Season 5a just ended and this stupid story is placed in season 3a. I started this over 2 years ago and I'm still going. I'm a slacker. But on my defense I have no way of watching season 3a and these last few chapters have been based truly off of memory ! I'm trying though and hopefully this story will be over soon and the sequel will be up afterwards. In the mean time, if you're interested in any one of my other stories, please read them ! Thank you !

- Cynthia's POV -

"Want to go hunting, Mik ?" I asked as I walked into her house.

"Yes ! I'm starvingggggggg" she groaned.

I laughed at her cuteness. "Okay, let's go. Bye Mr. Stone !!" I yelled. I heard a faint goodbye back.

Mik and I walked through the woods for a few minutes before I saw a deer.

"Mik. Remember what I taught you. Slowly approach it then attack." I said.

"Got it." Mik went walking off then vampire ran to the deer and jumped on its back. She sank her fangs into its neck and she looked like she was really enjoying it.

"Boo." I turned around to see a large male standing in front of me. He ran at me fast and bit my neck.

"What the hell ?!" I groaned and grabbed his neck and threw him off of me.

"You're strong ?" He laughed.

"For real ? Are you the asshole vampire who turned an eight year old girl !?" I yelled.

"Yes I am. And you might be ?"

"Cynthia McCall." I crossed my arms and his smirk turned into worry.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in anyway, shape or form. I'll just get going now." He turned and sped away.

He was fast, I'll give him that, but I was faster. I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him up against the tree.

"How many of you are there !?"

He choked out "I'm the only one in Beacon Hills."

"Why are you here !?"

"I felt drawn here so I came." He started coughing.

"What do you mean !?"

"Something made me come here. I don't know I just got pulled here some how."

"I hope you know I'm killing you right ?"

"Please d-" I ripped off his head with the most of ease.

His body fell to the ground and I dropped his head right next to it. Mik came running over but stopped next to me once she saw the body.

"That's him." She whispered. "You killed him." She hugged my legs. "Thank you."

I reached down and patted her hair. "You know I got you, Mik. Now and forever."


"Shhh stop crying, Cyn." Stiles cooed in my ear as he played with my hair.

"I can't." I sobbed. "I feel like I f-failed all of yall and I hate this feeling stiles it s-sucks !"

"You didn't fail us, Cynthia." He moved my face so that I was looking directly at him. "Please tell me how it was your fault that Jennifer snapped your neck ?"

"Because it was ! I was knocked out throughout the entire ritual. Throughout the finding of my aunt, your dad, and Allison's dad. I was knocked out throughout the whole fucking thing ! I could've helped you rescue them. You wouldn't be hurt" I caressed his forehead that was now covered in bandages. "If I was there. My betas would still be alive if I was there !" L

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