Chapter Fourteen

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~Bellinas POV~

I've been texting Cynthia all day. Apparently, Derek's only has four other betas in his pack. And Scott and Isaac are the only ones who actually gave her a fight. Peter was good too but Boyd and Erica need some help.

I don't like the decision that Cynthia made but she's my alpha and I have to respect her. I mean if I really wanted to, I could kill her and be the alpha. I couldn't do that though, she's Chands daughter and my little sisters bestfriend. Plus, Derek would probably kill me for killing her.

"I haven't seen Cynthia since we came here. Where is she.?" Siani, my sister, asked.

"I've been texting her all day. Shes been training with Derek and his pack, and out with her boyfriend and cousin."


"Stiles has been her boyfriend for 2 years. Its Scott's bestfriend." I explained. "Were meeting him, Scott, Derek and his pack tonight."

"Alright" Siani said and walked back to her room. Its been hard. Me, Sianai and the twins, Zeke and James basically raised ourselves. We were also born as werewolves.

When my parents died in a fire 12 years ago, Cadence and Chand took me, my brothers and my sister in. I was 9, the twins were 6, and Siani and Cynthia were 2.


Chand, Cynthia and i were walking through pennypack woods. Earlier today, a boy fell into the creek and went missing. We decided to look for him because we have supernatural abilities. We can see, hear and smell better than any other human on Earth.

We heard quads coming and started walking fast. That's when Chand got shot by an arrow. He shifted and tried taking the arrow out but one by one, the arrows kept hitting him. He told us to run so we did. Cynthia stopped and tried going back. I grabbed her and threw her in a bush. We couldn't help him because there was hunters all around. There was like 20 of them.

A girl and a man walked over to him and the girl tied his hands and threw the rope over a tree. 2 hunters grabbed the rope and pulled him in the air. They tied it and stepped back. The man gave the girl a sword. I knew what was happening.

"Cynthia, look away. Promise me you won't look at him" I told her pushing her head into my chest.

"I promise" she whispered and cried. I cried too.

The girl lifted the sword back. With a simple whisk, Chand was amputated at the waist. I screamed and started crying louder. The girl started walking towards us and we ran. We ran as fast as we could. Once we were out of the woods, Cynthia dropped to her knees.

"He's dead" she whispered. My fathers dead.!"

I dropped down in front of her and took her in my arms.

"Shh It'll be okay" I tried to comfort her. "He'll always be here with you. No matter what"

She looked at me. Her eyes turning red. Her eyes never turned red" they always turned green. She started huffing and stood up.

"Im the alpha now" she growled and walked away. I guess because it was hunter that killed him and not a beta, she's the alpha. I stood up and followed her.

We walked through the woods and back to Chand. His top half was still hanging there, his bottoms were on the ground.

Cynthia went in his pants pocket and grabbed out his wallet. I just looked at her strange.

"So nobody will steal his identity and stuff" she explained.

She stood up and looked like see was gonna cry again. She stopped her teary face and looked at me then looked down.

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