Chapter Twenty Two

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~Cynthias POV~

Thursday and the school day of Friday went by fast. We are now sat in this uncomfortable jeep, on our way to my Uncle Kevin's house.

I was laying in the back seat while Scott was infront and ofcourse Stiles was driving.

"Hey stiles" I piped up from the back and touching the top of his head.


"Why won't you ever let me drive.?" He started laughing. "What are you laughing.? Im serious.!"

"You don't even know how to drive."

"But I do" I said popping my jacket collar and smiling.

"Yeah how.?" Scott asked.

"Remember that campground I used to go to in South Jersey.? You came with me once, Scott." I sat up and stuck my head inbetween the front seats.

They nodded. "Well, I worked there during the summer for the last three years. The one worker, Cory, taught me to drive a work truck. Nick taught me to drive golf cart and Tanner taught me to drive a Gator. I had to learn if I wanted to work there."

"Just because you can drive a golf Cart and a gator, whatever that is, doesn't mean you can drive a jeep." He's so fucking stupid.

"I also said work truck. A work truck is a pickup truck. If I can drive a pickup truck I can definitely drive a jeep." I said laying back, spread out on the seat again.

"I would let you drive but you're still only 14 and can't drive legally on the streets."

"Whatever" I mumbled and started closing my eyes, tired.

"How much longer.?" I asked lazily, falling a sleep.

"About 2 hours, Cyn" Im not really sure which one said that.

"K" I whispered, and fell asleep.

~~ 1 hour and 45 minutes later ~~

I felt strong hands on my shoulders, shaking me.

"Wake up, Cyn" I made the voice out to be Scott.

I popped one open and stuck my tongue out at him. "What time is it.?"

"Uh" he looked at his watch. "Its exactly 8"

I sat up in my seat and yawned. "And were not there yet.? Do you know the address.?"

"Yeah. We'll be there in like 5 minutes." Scott answered.

I looked at my farmiliar surroundings and smiled. I missed LA. I used to love coming her with my father when I was young.

Uncle Kevin has a gym attached to his house. My father would train me in it when we were here. Out if all of my aunts and uncles, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Regina are the only ones who werent born werewolves. Derek also told me that only one child of each generation becomes the hybrid. That was my dad.

We pulled in Uncle Kevin's driveway and I did not hesitate to jump out and run into his mansion.

I saw him sitting on his couch with, JB. Smoove.

"Ahh JB.!" I yelled and ran to him and hugged him. He picked me up and spun me around then put me down.

"I haven't seen you since you were like 9. How you doing Cynthia.?" He asked while standing in front of Uncle Kevin to where I couldn't see his small ass. I think he would've been taller and stronger if the werewolf was in him.

"I've been great.! How abo-" I started to say but cut off by Uncle Kevin talking.

"Can I see my niece please.!?" He attempted to push JB out of the way.

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