Chapter Thirty Two

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Okay so the last chapter was episode '7/01' so, this chapter is obviously going to be 'Motel California 7/08' but yet again, it'll be in Cynthia's Point Of View. I hope you like reading my story.


~Cynthias POV~

Ughhh were finally at a motel.! Thank the lord in heaven above.! Wait, no.! I hate motels.! They smell like peroxide and death. Its gross and this motel discribes exactly what I meant. Dirty ass 'Glen Capri' motel. We all walked out of the bus.

"I've seen worse." Scott said.

"Where have you seen worse.?" I said, eying this nasty motel.

Coach blew his whistle. "Listen up.! The meet has be pushed til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." People started taking room keys from his hand. "And ill have no sexual perversions perputrated by you little deviants. Got that.!? Keep your dirty little hands to you dirty little selves.!"

I grabbed a key for room 217 but I dont know who im pairing with. Im not sharing a room with Allison and Lydia because if Allison says one word that pisses me off, Im clawing out her eyes. Dont get me wrong, I've grown to like her but I do have a short temper.

I found the room and unlocked the door. I gasped at the scent of nicotine and tobacco. The smell filled the room and it was disgusting. I got a bad vibe off of this room. I closed the door and put my Nike bag on the bed. I looked around for a minute and this room did not fit my standards. I was a little excited about being alone in my own room but this is way too creepy. Im not so excited anymore.

I walked around the room for a little bit, checking the bathroom and stuff.

The sound of my ringtone pulled me out of my thoughts. It was Scott.

"Hello." I walked towards the wall and traced my fingers across the four indents that was obviously made by an animal. But it was odd because it was in the shape of a spiral.

"Cyn, who's your roommate.?" he asked.

"No one. Im by myself. There's barely any girls on this trip and im not trying to stay with a hormonal Teenage boy unless that boy is Isaac. Unfortunately, Boyd took him before I could." I noticed the floor had a blood stain near the window. I gotta get out of this room.

"I dont like this motel and I think im going crazy. Stiles just told me that Boyd punched the vending machine so I want you to come sleep in our room."

"Thank god.! I can't stay in this room.! What is the number.?" I asked and grabbed my bag.


"Im coming right now.!" I ran to his room and he was standing at the door.

"That was too creepy. There was cobwebs and blood stains. There was even scratches on the wall in the shape of a spiral." I said as I pushed past him. His room was the same as mine but without that fowel stench.

"A spiral.?" He asked as he closed the door.

"Mhmm. A spiral. Isn't that the way a werewolf shows vendetta.? Like a way of revenge.?" I heard my dad and Derek talk about it before.

"Yeah. That's strange." He whispered. "Well, Stiles is with me so I guess you can share my bed with me."

"Alright." I set my bag down on the bed that contained Scott's bag.

"Ill be back." Scott walked out of the room. I walked around his room doing the same as I did in mine. My phone started ringing but it was a unknown caller.

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