Chapter Three

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~Scotts POV~

Stiles just came in and kissed my baby cousin. My only cousin. The girl I have to protect. I'm really mad now.

I pried stiles off of Cynthia and threw him on the ground. I jumped on top of him getting ready to kill him. "WHAT THE HELL MAN!? THATS MY LITTLE ASS COUSIN!!!" I yelled. "I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to do that!" he said back calmly. I felt myself starting to shift forgetting Cynthia was here.

"Dude, You're shifting and Cynthia's right there" stiles whispered to me. Only certain people can raise and lower my blood pressure which controls my shifting. Those people are Allison(my girlfriend), my mom, my aunt, and Cynthia. I love Cynthia more than anything else. She is my bestfriend.

I calmed down and got off stiles. I looked over at Cynthia who was sitting on her bed staring at me with wide eyes. Did my claws come out.? Did my eyes change.? Did she see me shifting.?

~Cynthias POV~

Scott hopped of stiles and looked at me. I was staring at him. He had claws and glowing green eyes. He had so much power and force. He was warewolf too. He analyzed me and walked out of my room leaving stiles and I.

"WHAT THE FUCK STILES!?!?" I yelled at him and flopped on my bed.

"I'm sorry. I missed you so much and I missed kissing you and hugging you and just being with you. I just missed you, Cyn." he said back while standing up and sitting on my bed.

"I missed you too but you can't just come in here, kiss me with Scott 2 feet away from us and expect him not to do anything"

"You honestly dont think I know that! It was just an old habbit"

"I know. Why do you think i kissed you back? its an old habbit we both have. And that's gonna change but not for a while." i smirked. "go lock the door"

I dont really care about scott right now. All i care about is having a makeout session with my old boyfriend. Yes, Stiles was my boyfriend for the summer 2 years ago. I was 12 and he was 14.

Stiles came back over to the bed and sat next to me. He brush a curl from my face and caressed my cheek.

"I love you, Cynthia Lee McCall" stiles said. He loves me.? ive texted, and oovooed with his all the time and ive always loved him but i never thought he loved me. "I love you too, Mr. Stilinski" I said and be kissed me.

He layed me down, still kissing me, and got on top. Here comes the heat. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i denyed.

"Why must you do this to me?" he said seductively. i just gigled and grabbed his head and lulled him down onto me even more. i ran my fingers through his low cut hair while he rubbed my back with one hand and had the other tangled in my hair. He pushed my back up so my stomach was against his and started kissing me again. i started to roll him over so i was on top and took off his shirt and ran my hands down his body. He doesnt have tbe best body but its good enough. He went to take off mine but i jumped up and walked out my room leaving stiles confused.

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