Chapter Eighteen

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~Stiles POV~

After the scrimmage, we all walked to the lockers. I was finished before Scott and Isaac so I was gonna go over to the girls to see Cynthia.

I walked out of the boys locker room and instantly pushed into the wall. I closed my eyes because it all happened so fast. When I opened them, I realized it was Ethen and Aidens grips on my arms.

"I see you didn't break up with her" Ethen began. "I guess we'll just have to kill erica or Boyd. Maybe both" Aiden laughed.

"I swear, I did break up with her but we got back together today. I couldn't stand seeing her sad. Please dont kill them. Kill me instead." I didn't want Erica and Boyd to be killed because of me. I'd rather be in their place right now.

"That can be arranged" Ethen raised his claws to slice my throat but he was tackled and so was Aiden. Cynthia was on top of Ethen and Scott and Isaac took Aiden.

Cynthia was in full alpha mode just like how Peter was when he trapped us in the school. She was growling and kicking ethens ass. She went to slice his throat but Isaac hopped off of Aiden and grabbed her arm before she could.

"Stop.!" He yelled. "If you kill him, Deucalion will just kill you"

She shifted back to human and stood up. She kicked him one last time. "I thought you were my friend" She whispered and came over to me and hugged me. "Are you okay.?"

"Yeah. Im fine" I whispered and she hugged me tighter.

Scott was still punching Aiden repeatedly. Ethen was too hurt and wasn't healing as fast because it was Cynthia who made the wounds. Isaac stopped Scott and Scott punched him once more.

He walked over to me and smiled. "God, I waited so long to do that. It felt great." We all laughed and walked out of the school.

"Need a ride Isaac.?" I asked. Even though i hate him, He just basically saved my life so I kind of have to be nice, I guess.

"Yeah, sure thanks" He hopped in the backseat with Scott and Cynthia and I were in the front. I turned the car on and she grabbed my hand. I dropped Isaac off at the Derek's and went to Scott's. They both got out the car.

"Wanna come in.?" Cynthia asked me.

"Sure" I said parking the car in the driveway and hopping out. Cynthia jumped on my back and I carried her in the house. Scott's and Cynthia's moms were in the living room. Melissa was on he laptop and Cadence was grading some papers.

"Hey mom, Aunt Melissa" Cynthia said while hopping off my back and plopping down next to her mom. I just stood there awkwardly until Scott grabbed my shoulder and took me up to the bathroom.

He turned on the sink. "I know what you did with Cynthia." He said looking mad. SHIT.!

"First of all, why are we in the bathroom.? Second, why is the sink on.? And third, what are you talking about.?" I said trying to play it cool.

"The Bathroom has a sink. I turned it on so Cyn couldn't hear and you know what im talking about.!" He was getting angrier.

"I dont know" I stated.

"Stiles I can hear your damn heartbeat.! You're lying to me.!"

I sighed and looked down.

"You slept with  my little cousin.!" He was pissed off.

"I know" I whispered.


"Shes my girlfriend" I whispered again.

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