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Twenty-Eight - Old Times

"Donghyuck," I mumbled in anger. He pulled out his hand to help me up; I don't need his help. I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up.

"Taeyong, I've missed our 'chats'," he said as he was being sarcastic. "How are you?" He chuckled to himself.

I still felt a bit dizzy but not as much anymore.

I rolled my eyes at him and just walked away.

"Where the hell are you going? Ignoring me aye?" He said as he walked behind me, slowly catching up. I turned around, giving him a frustrated look.

"Leave me alone. You've done enough in my life already." I said as I walked away.

"Awe c'mon," He said as he ran towards me. He grabbed onto my shoulder as I punched him in the stomach; I may look weak but I'm strong as hell.

"Leave me alone," I said once again as he groaned in pain.

I walked towards the elevator and waited. As his groans of agony still remained, I thought about our old times.


7 years ago (12 years old)
"Hey, Taeyong!" He said as I walked around with chocolate bars in my hand; selling them.

"Yeh?" I said as I sold my last chocolate bar to one of the kids.

"You don't have to sell chocolate bars anymore!" I was confused, he does know money can't come from thin air right? And he knows how much I need money right now. I swear if he's playing a prank on me.


"Because... I found a job we can both take!" He said as excitement filled his voice. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

"Really? A job? For twelve year old's? You kidding right?" I raised an eyebrow as his smile became a pout.

"I'm serious Taeyong! We can finally earn money! I mean you will, I only want the money to buy more food, ya know" I shook my head and declined the offer, but he soon bribed me with ten bucks.

"Fine! I'll work there with you." I groaned, he smiled from ear to ear, I just smiled back.

I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

After school we headed to where I thought was like a small company or workshop but it wasn't. He brought me to an abandoned building, there were two guys standing outside; I'm guessing they're the guards on this place, but honestly, I have no fucking clue.

"I want to talk to Seo YoungHo," Donghyuck said as he looked at me and smirked.

"I'm not letting no twelve-year-old walk in here, go back home you little brats." One of the guards said. I was terrified compared to Donghyuck. He looked through a window that showed people but barely anyone could be seen. He smiled; evilly.

"Donghyuck let's just go," I whispered, in a trembling, terrified voice.

"Johnny hyung! I'm here with my friend!" He yelled which made me terrified, one of the guards stared coldly as another voice was heard; but not from the other guard, it was coming from inside the abandoned place.

"Guys chill it's Haechan, remember?" The guy that came from inside said as the guards stepped away, letting me and Donghyuck come in. I nudged his shoulder while looking around the room full of people; it was really horrific in there.

"Is this place safe?" I asked as he just snickered and looked at me.

"Yeah this place is safe, don't worry about the people in the gang," He smiled as I frowned. A gang? He never told me this place were full of gangs. As I was about to say something to him he wasn't seen by my side, instead, he was talking to that guy that led us in.

As I gave that guy an weird and unsettling look, we made eye contact. I immediately looked away and stared around, just not where Donghyuck was. As I stared around someone tapped my shoulder; gently. I jumped a bit since it was unexpected and startling.

"Hello, you must be Lee Taeyong," He said as he reached out his hand.

"Yeah I am," I was surprised when I didn't stutter, it's not like I do stutter anyways.

"Well I'm Seo YoungHo, but you can just call me Johnny," he said chuckling to himself, I just awkwardly chuckled and tried finding Donghyuck. "You looking for Haechan?" He asked. Who's Haechan?

"Haechan?" I questioned.

"Yeah Haechan, it's just a nickname we gave him." Well, that makes more sense. I just nodded at him as he stared directly at me; this is awkward. "Lemme ask you something, I heard you were trying to earn money for your sister?" He said which made me shocked, how would he know this?

"Donghyuck," I mumbled under my breath with anger.

"What was that?" He asked again.

"You don't need to know what I need the money for," I said coldly, as my body heated up out of anger. "Just how much would you pay me after a month?" I asked as he stared down at me, coldly.

"Depends on the task that's given," He said harshly. I just met this guy and we already don't like each other.

"A task? What even is this job?"

"A job to shoplift, steal, and most importantly, murder" he smiled. I just nodded when really I wanted to punch this guy. "You joining or what?" He asked. I gulped as I stared at him with fear in my eyes.

"Yeah. I'll join." I said, he smiled and placed his arm over my shoulders.

"Gang! We gotta new member in here!" He yelled as the people stared at me, but after staring for less than ten seconds the gang members cheered. I looked over to Donghyuck, he was smirking as if he was expecting this.

As he walked away an grabbed a beer for himself and a couple of members I walked over to Donghyuck.

"What the hell Donghyuck!? You literally signed me up for something like this! You know I'm not like this!" I yelled in a whisper. He smacked his lips and groaned.

"You always gotta be a wimp. You're only working here for what, a month?" He said. He basically just insulted me.

I'll show him I'm not a 'wimp' because he knows I'm not. The only wimp around here is him with his selfish self.

I walked over to YoungHo and tapped his shoulder.

"Give me a task, now," I said coldly. YoungHo just grinned and handed me a task.

"You don't do the task, you'll get punished," he whispered in my ear. Shivers went through my spine. I just nodded.

Task: Kill Mark Lee

Change | Lee TaeyongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora