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Twenty-Two - Wait

Taeyong's POV
As I turned around I saw her, with a confused face. My face lit up as she got closer, I hugged her; tightly.

"I miss you.." I whispered close to her ear. She hugged me back as her doctor stood there awkwardly.

"Uh I'll check up on you later, alright Jasmine?" he said as she let go of the hug and turned around. She nodded then looked back at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Mind pushing me to get inside and help me get on my bed?" I chuckled at her cuteness.

Yeah, I said it, cuteness, because she is cute, adorable in fact. I pushed her inside and helped her get back on her bed.

"Thank you very much," she said cutely.

"You're welcome," I pulled a chair close to her and sat down.

"I'm glad you're okay," she said with a low grin. I'm confused, why would she ask that?

"Why do you say that?" I asked tilting my head a bit.

"My brother.. he could've.."

"But he didn't," I said assuring her he did nothing, even though he almost kill me.

"But... I saw the news.." she said which made me confused.

"What do you mean? What was on the news?" I said as I got closer to her, scrunching up my brows together.

"Someone called the cops and it was on the news," I panicked a bit but I don't remember hearing any sirens even after we left. "The caller said they heard gunshots, but I don't know.. it was also near an abandoned building, maybe people were walking around and passed by but I don't know for sure.."

"Well, Taehyung didn't do anything to me so you shouldn't worry about me getting hurt by him." I smiled as she smiled back, our hands met. Her warm touch made me tingle, I've never been touch by someone warm; it's always been.. cold.

"I love you, just know that," she said, I instantly blushed and looked away. "Taeyong is blushing?" She chuckled a bit to herself before looking straight at me; in the eyes. "How adorable is that?" She grinned.

"Shut up," I said smiling shyly. She just chuckled to herself.

I've been thinking to myself for quite a while, should I ask her the question, or maybe it's too early. I love her, I really do. She means everything to me and I don't want to lose her someone else.

I don't think right now is the time, I think I should wait, maybe a month. Or even a year? I don't know how relationships works, it's difficult to understand someone else's mind.

Maybe she'll be ready by then, a year should be enough time, right?

She snapped me out of my thoughts making me jump a bit.

"You okay? I've been calling you for thirty seconds like are you good?" She asked, scrunching up her brows a bit.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine," I said smiling as I folded my arms, resting them on her bed as I buried my face in my folded arms.

"You aren't leaving?" She asked as she caressed my hair.

"No, I'm staying here with you," I said. "My love.." I mumbled.


"Nothing Jasmine, goodnight. Sweet dreams" I said, she continued caressing my hair.

"Good night Taeyong," she said softly.

I smiled from her soft voice, I closed my eyes and soon enough I fell asleep.

Taehyung's POV
Home. I'm finally home.

"Hello." I said as he appeared out of the shadows. "Jungkook."

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